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AN.11 Fixed assets, net capital stock, opening balance sheet
Fixed assets, gross capital stock, opening balance sheet
P.51g Gross fixed capital formation
P.51c Consumption of fixed capital
K.3 Catastrophic losses
K.7 Nominal holding gains and losses
Of which K.7.2 Real holding gains and losses
AN.11 Fixed assets, net capital stock, closing balance sheet
Fixed assets, gross capital stock, closing balance sheet
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Fixed assets
Buildings other than dwellings
Other structures and land improvements
Transport equipment
ICT equipment, other machinery and equipment and weapon systems
Cultivated biological resources
Intellectual property products
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Of which: General government
A Agriculture, forestry and fishing
B Mining and quarrying
C Manufacturing
D_E Utility services
F Construction
G_I Trade and transport etc.
J Information and communication
K Financial and insurance
LA Real estate activities and renting of non-residential buildings
LB Dwellings
M_N Other business services
O_Q Public administration, education and health
R_S Arts, entertainment and other services