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Account 0: Goods and services Account 4: Denmark and abroad Supply balance sheet Account 1: Production Account 3.1:Capital account Account 2.1.2: Allocating primary income Account 2.2: Allocating secondary income Account 2.4: Use of disposable income Account 2.1.1:Income
Total final demand
P.3 Government consumption expenditure
P.3 Final private consumption
Statistical discrepancy
P.6 Exports of goods and services
B.12 Current external balance
P.62 Exports of services
P.61 Exports of goods
Adjustments for changes in terms of trades
P.51+P.53 Gross fixed capital formation
P.52 Changes in inventories
Changes in inventories incl. statistical discrepancy
K.1 Consumption of fixed capital
P.7 Imports of goods and services
P.72 Imports of services
P.71 Imports of goods
D.2-D.3 Taxes less subsidies on production and imports
D.2 Taxes on production and import
D.3 Subsidies
D.29-D.39 Other taxes less subsidies on production
D.21-D.31 Taxes less subsidies on products
D.5-D.7 Other current transfers from ROW, net
D.3+D.5-D.7 Current transfers from ROW
D.3+D.5-D.7 Current transfers to ROW
D.3+D.5-D.7 Current transfers from ROW, net
B.9 Net lending
D.1+D.4 Compensation of employees, property income etc. from ROW
D.1+D.4 Compensation of employees, property income etc. to ROW
D.1+D.4 Compensation of employees, property income etc. from ROW, net
Total income from ROW, current transactions
D.9 Capital transfers from ROW
D.9 Capital transfers from ROW, net
D.9 Capital transfers to ROW
D.4 Property income from ROW
D.4 Property income to ROW
D.1-D.4 Compensation of employees, taxes and property income from ROW, net
Total expenditure to ROW, current transactions
D.1 Compensation of employees, from resident producers
D.1 Compensation of employees, from ROW
D.1 Wages and salaries to ROW
P.1 Total output
P.2 Intermediate consumption
Resources of goods and services
Resources from Denmark
B.1*g Gross domestic product
B.6g Gross national disposable income
B.6n Net national disposable income
Gross domestic product at factor cost
B.5*g Gross national income
B.1*n Net domestic product
B.2g+B.3g Gross operating surplus and mixed income
B.8g Gross saving
B.8n Net saving
Domestic final demand
B.1g Gross value added
D.1 Compensation of employees
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