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StatBank Denmark
General government (budget), COFOG by function (DISCONTINUED)
Unit : m DKK (current prices)
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1. General public services
1.1. Executive and legislative organs, financial and fiscal affairs, external affairs
1.2. Foreign economic aid
1.3. General services
1.4. Basic research
1.5. R&D general public services
1.6. General public services n.e.c
1.7. Public debt transactions
1.8. Transfers of a general character between different levels of government
2. Defence
2.1. Military defence
2.2. Civil defence
2.3. Foreign military aid
2.4. R&D Defence
2.5. Defence n.e.c
3. Public order and safety
3.1. Police services
3.2. Fire-protection services
3.3. Law courts
3.4. Prisons
3.5. R&D Public order and safety
3.6. Public order and safety n.e.c
4. Economic affairs
4.1. General economic, commercial and labour affairs
4.2. Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting
4.3. Fuel and energy
4.4. Mining, manufacturing and construction
4.5. Transport
4.6. Communication
4.7. Other industries
4.8. R&D Economic affairs
4.9. Economic affairs n.e.c
5. Environmental protection
5.1. Waste management
5.2. Wastewater management
5.3. Pollution abatement
5.4. Protection of biodiversity and landscape
5.5. R&D Environmental protection
5.6. Environmental protection n.e.c
6. Housing and community amenities
6.1. Housing development
6.2. Community development
6.3. Water supply
6.4. Street lighting
6.5. R&D Housing and community amenities
6.6. Housing and community amenities n.e.c
7. Health
7.1. Medical products, appliances and equipment
7.2. Outpatient services
7.3. Hospital services
7.4. Public health services
7.5. R&D Health
7.6. Health n.e.c
8. Recreation, culture and religion
8.1. Recreational and sporting services
8.2. Cultural services
8.3. Broadcasting and publishing services
8.4. Religious and other community services
8.5. R&D Recreation, culture and religion
8.6. Recreation, culture and religion n.e.c
9. Education
9.1. Primary education
9.2. Youth-level education
9.3. Higher education
9.4. Adult and supplementary education
9.5. Education n.e.c
10. Social protection
10.1. Sickness and disability
10.2. Old age
10.3. Survivors
10.4. Family and children
10.5. Unemployment
10.6. Housing
10.7. Social exclusion n.e.c.
10.8. R&D Social protection
10.9. Social protection n.e.c
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Statistics Denmark
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