The published figures on exceeded treatment guarantee for Greve, Lolland, Kerteminde, Langeland, Nordfyn, Nyborg, Odense and Svendborg are incorrectly registered as missing in the years 2020-2023, which means around 400 missing registrations of exceeded treatment guarantees. Correct numbers will be published on June 13, 2025.
Citizens have a right to receive drug abuse treatment within 14 days from the request for drug abuse treatment. The treatment guarantee is calculated as the number of days between the request and the actual initiation of the treatment. The data for the reference year 2015 has not been validated to the same degree as the following reference years, and 2015 should therefore not be included in time series analysis. The statistics is only based on data from municipilaties that have validated their data, and the statistics does subsequently not cover all 98 municipalities in the reference period 2015-2020, only in the reference years 2021, 2022 and 2023.