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June version 1966-2023 (Major Revision 2024)
March version 2023
June version 2020-2022
March version 2022
September version 2020-2021
June version 2019-2021
March version 2021
September version 2019-2020
June version 2018-2020
March version 2020
September version 2017-2019
June version 2019
March version 2019
November version 2016-2018
June version 2018
March version 2018
November version 2015-2017
June version 2017
March version 2014-2017
November version 2014-2016
June version 2016
March version 2016
November version 2004-2015 (Datarevision 2016)
June version 2015
March version 2015
November version 2012-2014
June version 2014
March version 2014
November version 2011-2013
September version 1966-2013 (Major revision 2014)
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P.1 Output
P.11+P.12+P.131 Market output and output for own final use including payment for other non-marked output
P.7 Imports of goods and services
P.71 Imports of goods
P.72 Imports of services
P.2 Intermediate consumption
P.6 Exports of goods and services
P.61 Exports of goods
P.62 Exports of services
B.1g Gross value added
B.11 External balance of goods and services
D.29-D.39 Other taxes less subsidies on production
D.29 Other taxes on production
D.39 Other subsidies on production
B.1GF Gross domestic product at factor cost
D.1 Compensation of employees
B.2g+B.3g Gross operating surplus and mixed income
B.2g Operating surplus, gross
B.3g Mixed income, gross
P.51c Consumption of fixed capital
B.2n+B.3n Net operating surplus and mixed income
B.2n Net operating surplus
B.3n Net mixed income
B.1n Net value added
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S.1 Total economy
S.11 Non-financial corporations
S.12 Financial corporations
S.13 General government
S.14+S.15 Households and non-profit institutions serving households
S.14 Households
S.15 Non-profit institutions serving households
S.11+S.12+S.14+S.15 Total economy, except General Government
S.2 Rest of the world