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StatBank Denmark
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    Daily updates at 8:00:00
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    Welcome to StatBank Denmark
    Latest releases

    ANI303: Livestock products ex producer (2015=100) by commodity group and index type
    ANI41: Slaughterings and production of cattle by category and unit
    ANI51: Slaughterings and production of pigs by category and unit
    DNFX: Banks purchase and sale of DKK by transaction type and dimension
    DNFXSWAP: Banks' purchase and sale of FX swaps in DKK divided on foreign currency, counterparty sector or maturity
    DNINDEX: Compounded Index by item and methodology
    DNIRS: Banks payment and receipt of fixed interest rate in DKK interest rate swaps divided on foreign currency, maturity or reference rate
    DNPRND: The banks' and the mortgage-credit institutes' accounts (net position) with the Nationalbank
    DNRENTD: Danmarks Nationalbank's official interest rates and money and capital market interest rates by item, country and methodology (daily observations)
    DNSEMM: Banks secured borrowing and lending in DKK divided on counterparty sector, maturity or collateral
    DNSNB2: Specification on Danmarks Nationalbank's balance sheet by specification and item - Transactions
    DNUNMM: Banks unsecured borrowing and lending in DKK divided on counterparty sector or maturity
    DNVALD: Daily exchange rates by currency and type
    FORV1: Consumer confidence indicator by indicator
    HAND01: Disability services by region and type of services
    HAND02: Recipients of disability services by type of services, education, marital status, age and gender.
    HAND03: Disability services by type of services and target group
    HAND05: Disability services by region and type of services.
    HAND06: Disability services (Number per 1,000 inhabitants) by region and type of services
    HAND07: Recipients of disability services by region and type of services

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