Museums and zoos
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MUS1: Activity by category of museum, type of museum and activity (2009-2023)
MUS3: Activity at Danish museum sites by region, category of museum, type of museum and activity (2016-2023)
MUS5: Activity outside the premises of the museum by category of museum, type of museum and activity (2022-2023)
MUS4: Visits to the museum exhibition by category of museum, type of museum and type of visit (2022-2023)
MUS: Activity on Danish museums by type of museum, type of subsidizing and type (DISCONTINUED) (1984-2015)
MUS2: Activity at Danish museums (departments) by region, art of museum, type op museum and activity(DISCONTINUED) (2009-2015)
Visits to museums - the Cultural habits survey
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KVUARMS1: Visit to museum and cultural heritage sites (year) by type of museum, sex and age (2018-2022)
KVUARMS4: Use of museum online services (year) by type, sex and age (2018-2022)
KVUARMS2: Visit to museums or exhibitions (year) by area, sex and age (2018-2022)
KVUARMS5: Visit to museums or exhibitions (year) by purpose, sex and age (2018-2022)
KVUMUS1: Visit to museum and cultural heritage sites (quarter) by type of museum and age and sex (2018Q3-2023Q4)
KVUMUS3: Visit to museum or cultural heritage site(quarter) by purpose and age and sex (2018Q3-2023Q4)
KVUMUS2: Visit to museums or exhibitions (quarter) by area and age and sex (2018Q3-2023Q4)
KVUMUS4: Use of museum' online services (quarter) by type and age and sex (2018Q3-2023Q4)
KVUMUS6: Visit to museums by age and sex (2021Q4)
KVUMUS7: Barriers to visiting museums by reasons and age and sex (2021Q4)
KVUBK01: Consumption of graphic art (quarter) by genre and age and sex (2018Q3-2023Q4)
KVUBK02: Consumption of graphic art (quarter) by access and age and sex (2018Q3-2023Q4)
KVUARBK2: Consumption of graphic art (year) by access, sex and age (2018-2022)
KVUARBK1: Consumption of graphic art (year) by genre, sex and age (2018-2022)
Zoological gardens and aquariums
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ZOO1: Zoos, Aquariums and Botanical Gardens by region, type of zoo and activity(DISCONTINUED) (2009-2015)
ZOO2: Activity in Zoos and Aquariums by region, type of zoo and activity (DISCONTINUED) (2016-2021)
ZOO3: Activity in zoos and aquariums by category of zoo, type of zoo and activity (2021-2023)
ZOO4: Visits to zoos and aquariums by category of zoo, type of zoo and type of visit (2021-2023)
Visits to zoos - the Cultural habits survey
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KVUARFR1: Visit to zoos, themeparks etc. (year) by type, sex and age (2018-2022)
KVUFRI1: Visit to zoos, themeparks etc.(per cent of the population) by type and age and gender (2018Q3-2023Q4)
Cultural heritage
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Listed buildings and ancient monuments
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KFRED1: Protected buildings by region, type of building and year of construction (2012-2023)
KFRED2: Protected ancient monuments by region and farm category (2010-2023)
KFRED3: New protections and de-protections by unit and region (2012-2023)
Cultural heritage visits - the Cultural habits survey
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KVUFOR02: Visit to cultural heritage in Denmark by type and age and sex (2020Q2-2023Q4)
KVUFOR01: Visit to cultural heritage in Denmark by type and age and sex (2019Q4)
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ARKIV01: Activity and staffing of the Danish National State Archives by archive and key figures (2007-2023)
ARKIV03: Activity and staffing of the National Danish Archives (State Archives) by key figures (2011-2023)
ARKIV02: Activity and staffing of the city and local archives by region and key figures (DISCONTINUED) (2011-2017)
ARKIV02B: Activity and staffing of the city and local archives by region and key figures (2016-2023)
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Public libraries
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BIB1: Public libraries key figures by region and key figures (2009-2023)
BIB2B: Public libraries by region and activity (2009-2023)
BIB3: Public libraries physical materials by region, collection, inventory and material type (2009-2023)
BIB3B: Public libraries physical materials by region, collection, inventory, material type and age (2010-2023)
BIB4C: Public libraries stock and use of electronic resources at external servers by region, inventory and electronic material type
(DISCONTINUED) (2014-2015)
BIB4D: Public libraries stock and use of electronic resources at internal servers by region, inventory and electronic material type
(DISCONTINUED) (2014-2015)
BIB4E: Public libraries stock and use of electronic resources by region, inventory and electronic material type (2014-2023)
BIB4: Public libraries stock and use of electronic resources by region, inventory, electronic material type and location (DISCONTINUED) (2009-2013)
BIB5: Public libraries interlibrary loans by region, inventory and material type (2009-2023)
BIB6: Public Libraries economy by region and revenue/expenditure (2009-2023)
BIB7: Activities at libraries by region, type and activity (2009-2023)
BIB8: Full time employees at public libraries by region and category of staff (2009-2023)
LABY42: Full time employees at public libraries per 1,000 capita by municipality groups and category of staff (2016-2023)
SBS1: Comparative statistics of public libraries by region and key figures (2009-2023)
Library users
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IBIB1: Loans and loaners by region, library, sex and category (2020Q1-2024Q2)
IBIB1A: Lending and borrowers by region, library, sex and category (2020-2023)
IBIB2: Loans and loaners by region, library, age and category (2020Q1-2024Q2)
IBIB2A: Loans and loaners by region, library, age and category (2020-2023)
IBIB3: Loans and loaners by region, library, highest education completed and category (2020Q1-2024Q2)
IBIB3A: Loans and loaners by region, library, highest education completed and category (2020-2023)
IBIB4: Loans and loaners by region, distance from home to the library, where a loan was made and category (2020Q1-2024Q2)
IBIB4A: Loans and loaners by region, distance from home to the library, where a loan was made and category (2020-2023)
Library visits - the Cultural habits survey
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KVUARBB1: Visit to library (year) by purpose, sex and age (2018-2022)
KVUBIB2: Visit to library (quarter) by purpose and age and sex (2018Q3-2023Q4)
KVUARBB2: Online library visits (year) by digital services, sex and age (2018-2022)
KVUBIB3: Online library visits (quarter) by digital services and age and sex (2018Q3-2023Q4)
Research libraries
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FORSK21: Research libraries with special obligations by activity (2009-2023)
FORSK22: Economy at research libraries with special obligations by research library and activity (2009-2023)
FORSK23: Loans at research libraries with special obligations by library, inventory and type of recipient (2009-2023)
FORSK24: Stockat research libraries with special obligations by library and material type (2009-2023)
FORSK1: Research libraries with special obligations by region and activity (DISCONTINUED) (2009-2015)
FORSK2: Economy at research libraries with special obligations by region and activity (DISCONTINUED) (2009-2015)
FORSK3: Loans and renewals at research libraries with special obligations by library, inventory and type of recipient (DISCONTINUED) (2009-2015)
FORSK4: Stock, accession and discarding at research libraries with special obligations by library, inventory and material type (DISCONTINUED) (2009-2015)
FORSK5: Stock and use of electronic resources at research libraries with special obl. by library, inventory, material type and location (DISCONTINUED) (2009-2013)
FORSK5B: Stock and use of electronic resources at research libraries with special obl. by library, inventory, electronic material type and location (DISCONTINUED) (2014-2015)
FORSK6: Interlibrary loans at research libraries with special obligations by library and source (2009-2023)
FORSK11: Other research libraries by region and activity (DISCONTINUED) (2009-2015)
FORSK12: Loans and renewals at other research libraries by library, inventory and type of loan
(DISCONTINUED) (2009-2015)
FORSK13: Stock, accession and discarding at other research libraries by library, inventory and type(DISCONTINUED) (2009-2015)
FORSK14: Stock and use of electronic resources at other research libraries by library, inventory and material type (DISCONTINUED) (2009-2013)
FORSK14B: Stock and use of electronical ressources at other research libraries by library, inventory and electronic material type(DISCONTINUED) (2014-2015)
SBS2: Comparative statistic of research libraries by region and key figures (2009-2023)
FORSK5C: Stock and use of electronic resources at research libraries with special obl. by library, inventory, electronic material type and location (2014-2023)
News media and literature
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News media and magazines
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DAGBLAD2: Daily newspaper by key figures, publication day, geographical coverage and readership interval (DISCONTINUED) (2007H1-2018H2)
DAGBLAD3: Daily newspapers by key figures, geographical coverage and readership interval (2018-2023)
MAGASIN1: Magazines by key figures, publishing frequency, subject and readership interval (DISCONTINUED) (2007H1-2018H2)
MAGASIN2: Magazines by key figures, publishing frequency, subject and readership interval (2018-2023)
FAGBLAD2: Trade journal by key figures, publishing frequency, industry and readership interval (2018-2023)
FAGBLAD: Trade journal by key figures, publishing frequency, industry and readership interval (DISCONTINUED) (2007H1-2018H2)
AVISLAES: Newspaper readers by publication day and geographical area (DISCONTINUED) (2010H1-2018H2)
DAGBLAD: Circulation by daily newspaper (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2014)
DAGBLAD1: Daily newspaper by daily newspapers circulation, day of the week and size of circulation (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2014)
MAGASIN: Consumer-paid magazines by circulation (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2014)
AVISLAS1: Newspaper readers by key figures and geographical area (2018-2023)
VIR311: Number of media enterprises by type and turnover (DISCONTINUED) (2003-2007)
VIR312: Media enterprises by type and employment (DISCONTINUED) (2003-2007)
VIR313: Media enterprises' turnover by type (DISCONTINUED) (2003-2007)
VIR314: Media enterprises' turnover by industry, turnover and employment (DISCONTINUED) (2003-2007)
VIR314B: Media enterprises' turnover by industry and employment (DISCONTINUED) (2005-2007)
VIR315: Media enterprises' employment by type (DISCONTINUED) (2003-2007)
VIR316: Advertising turnover by media (DISCONTINUED) (1999-2017)
VIR322: Turnover and employment at public, commercial and public service media enterprises (DISCONTINUED) (2003-2007)
VIR332: Enterprises by type of company, part of the country and turnover (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2007)
VIR333A: Employment by type of company, sex and size of company (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2007)
VIR333B: Employment by type of company, sex and turnover of the company (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2007)
News consumption - the Cultural habits survey
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KVUARNY1: Consumption of news (year) by access, sex and age (2018-2022)
KVUARNY3: Consumption of news (year) by media, sex and age (2018-2022)
KVUNYH01: Consumption of news (quarter) by access and age and sex (2018Q3-2023Q4)
KVUARNY2: Consumption of newspapers or online newspapers (year) by access, sex and age (2018-2022)
KVUNYH02: Consumption of newspapers or online newspapers (quarter) by access and age and sex (2018Q3-2023Q4)
KVUARNY4: Consumption of news media content (year) by type, sex and age (2018-2022)
KVUNYH03: Consumption of news media (quarter) by media and age and sex (2018Q3-2023Q4)
KVUNYH04: Consumption of news media content (quarter) by type and age and sex (2018Q3-2023Q4)
Radio and TV
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FOR4211: Airtime (in minutes) by TV-channel and type of program (DISCONTINUED) (2001-2015)
FOR411: Number of sold devices by type (DISCONTINUED) (1991-2008)
FOR4210: TV-stations' share of viewing time by channel and target group (DISCONTINUED) (1998-2015)
FOR4212: Share of airtime by channel and type of program (DISCONTINUED) (2000-2015)
FOR4213: Viewing time (minutes) by TV-channel and type of program (DISCONTINUED) (2000-2015)
FOR4214: Viewing time (share in percent) by channel and type of program (DISCONTINUED) (2000-2015)
FOR4215: Average daily TV consumption in minutes (aged 3 and up) by month (DISCONTINUED) (1996-2015)
FOR4216: TV commercials by commercial channel and number, duration and coverage (DISCONTINUED) (1999-2015)
FOR422: Average weekly TV viewing by TV-channel (DISCONTINUED) (1999-2015)
FOR424: Average daily TV coverage (no. of viewers in 1.000) by channel (DISCONTINUED) (1998-2015)
FOR425: Average daily TV coverage (share of population aged 3 and up) by TV channel (DISCONTINUED) (1998-2015)
FOR426: Average weekly TV-coverage (number of viewers in 1000) by channel (DISCONTINUED) (1998-2015)
FOR427: Average weekly TV-coverage (share of population aged 3 and up) by channel (DISCONTINUED) (1998-2015)
APP212: Share of conversion and viewing devices by type of device(DISCONTINUED) (2002U31-48-2016U31-48)
VIR317: Turnover from TV-spots (in 1.000 DKK) by industry (DISCONTINUED) (1998-2015)
FOR441C: Listeners by radio station and number of listeners (DISCONTINUED) (2012-2015)
FOR441B: Listeners by radio station and number of listeners (DISCONTINUED) (2008-2012)
FOR441: Radio listeners by station and number of listeners (DISCONTINUED) (1997Q3-2007Q4)
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BOG01: Book releases, commercial, by subject, extent, edition and media (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2013)
BOG02: Book releases by subject, extent, edition and media (2007-2022)
BOG03: Book production by subject, original language, published language and media (2007-2022)
BOG04: School books and children's books by subject, type of book, edition and media (2007-2022)
BOG05: Booktitles by subject, type of publication and media (2012-2022)
BOG06: Book releases, commercial by subject, extent, edition, media and original language (2009-2022)
Consumption of literature - the Cultural habits survey
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KVULIT01: Consumption of fiction (quarter) by format and age and sex (2018Q3-2023Q4)
KVULIT02: Consumption of fiction (quarter) by access and age and sex (2018Q3-2023Q4)
KVULIT03: Fiction by genre and age and sex (2019Q1-2021Q3)
KVUARLI2: Consumption of fiction (year) by access, sex and age (2018-2022)
KVUARLI1: Consumption of fiction (year) by unit, sex and age (2018-2022)
KVUHL02: Reading aloud to children between 0-15 years (quarter) by relationship and age and sex (2021Q2)
KVUHL03: Reading aloud to children from 0-15 y.o. (quarter) by source of inspitation and age and sex (2021Q2)
KVUHL01: Reading aloud to children 0-15 years (quarter) by reading frequency and age and sex (2021Q2)
Film and theatre
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Cinemas and films
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BIO1: Danish cinemas, cinema screens and seating capacity by cinemas/cinema screens/seats and size of cinema (1980-2023)
BIO2: Activity in Danish cinemas by cinema films/tickets and nationality (1980-2023)
BIO3: Cinemas key figures by region and size of cinema (DISCONTINUED) (2010-2015)
BIO9: Cinemas key figures by region and size of cinema (2014-2023)
BIO4TA: Cinema films/premiere films by cinema films/tickets, type/audience, first showing in Denmark and nationality (2007-2023)
BIO4: Movies, tickets, and sale by target group, release year and nationality (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2015)
BIO5: Cinema films by cinema films/tickets, film category, type/audience, censorship and nationality (2007-2023)
BIO6: Cinema movies by key figures, showing week, nationality and type/target group (2007-2023)
Consumption of films and series - the Cultural habits survey
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KVUARFS1: Consumption of films and series (year) by cultural activities, sex and age (2018-2022)
KVUARFS2: Consumption of films and series (location) (year) by location, sex and age (2018-2022)
KVUARFS3: Consumption of films and series (location) (year) by access, sex and age (2018-2022)
KVUFS1: Consumption of films and series (quarter) by devices and age and sex (2018Q3-2023Q4)
KVUFS2: Consumption of films and series (location) (quarter) by location and age and sex (2018Q3-2023Q4)
KVUFS3: Consumption of film and series (quarter) by access and age and sex (2018Q3-2023Q4)
KVUFS4: Consumption of film and series by nationality, type and age and sex (2019Q3)
The economics of Danish feature films
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FILMFIN1: Financing of Danish feature films by financing type and key figures (2010-2021)
FILMFIN2: Financing of Danish feature films by financing type, target group and key figures (2010-2021)
FILMOMK1: Production costs of Danish feature films by key figures and target group (2010-2021)
FILMIND1: Revenue of Danish feature films by type of revenue, target group and key figures (2010-2019)
Theatre and dramatic art
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SCENE01: Activities at danish theatres by category of theatre, activity and genre (DISCONTINUED) (2015/2016-2019/2020)
SCENE01A: Productions and performances at danish theatres (own stages) by category of theatre, activity and genre (2020/2021-2022/2023)
SCENE01B: Audiences at danish theatres (own stage) by category of theatre, activity and genre (2020/2021-2022/2023)
SCENE02: Productions at danish theatres by category of theatre, audience group, scene and genre (DISCONTINUED) (2015/2016-2019/2020)
SCENE02A: Productions at danish theatres by category of theatre, audience group, scene and genre (2020/2021-2022/2023)
SCENE03: Performances at danish theatres by category of theatre, audience group, scene and genre (DISCONTINUED) (2015/2016-2019/2020)
SCENE03A: Performances at danish theatres by category of theatre, audience group, scene and genre (2020/2021-2022/2023)
SCENE04: Audiences at danish theatres by category of theatre, audience, scene and genre (DISCONTINUED) (2015/2016-2019/2020)
SCENE04A: Audiences at danish theatres by category of theatre, audience group, scene and genre (2020/2021-2022/2023)
SCENE05: Danish theatres by category of theatre and the theaters primary audience (DISCONTINUED) (2015/2016-2019/2020)
SCENE05A: Danish theatres by category of theatre and the theaters primary audience (2020/2021-2022/2023)
SCENE06: Guest appearances in Denmark by category of theatre, activity, genre and nationality (DISCONTINUED) (2015/2016-2019/2020)
SCENE06A: Guest appearances in Denmark by category of theatre, activity, genre and nationality (2020/2021-2022/2023)
SCENE07: Danish theatres tour abroad by category of theatre, activity, genre and nationality (DISCONTINUED) (2015/2016-2019/2020)
SCENE07A: Danish theatres tour abroad by category of theatre, activity, genre and country (2020/2021-2022/2023)
SCENE08: Economic performance of state-subsidised theatres by category of theatre and economic (DISCONTINUED) (2015/2016-2019/2020)
SCENE08A: Economic performance of state-subsidised theatres by category of theatre and unit (2015/2016-2022/2023)
SCENE09A: Danish theatres tour in Denmark by region, category of theatre, activity and genre (2020/2021-2022/2023)
SCENE10A: Activities at danish theatres by category of theatre, audience group, type and genre (2015/2016-2022/2023)
TEAT1: Productions staged on state-subsidized theatres by theatre/type of theatre and type (DISCONTINUED) (1981/1982-2014/2015)
TEAT2: Performances on state-subsidized theatres by theatre and type (DISCONTINUED) (1981/1982-2014/2015)
TEAT3: Audience on state-subsidized theatres by theatre and type (DISCONTINUED) (1981/1982-2014/2015)
TEAT4: Activities on Danish theatres by region, activity and type of subsidizing (DISCONTINUED) (2002/2003-2014/2015)
TEAT6: Theatre activity by theatre/type of theatre, tour/on site and activity (DISCONTINUED) (2009/2010-2014/2015)
TEAT7: Theatre activity by region, theatre/type of theatre, category of theatre and activity (DISCONTINUED) (2009/2010-2014/2015)
TEAT8: Theatre activity by region, theatre/type of theatre, primary audience, genre and activity (DISCONTINUED) (2009/2010-2014/2015)
TEAT9: Theatre activity by theatre/type of theatre, type of production and activity (DISCONTINUED) (2009/2010-2014/2015)
TEAT10: Theatre activity by year of origin, authors nationality, genre and activity (DISCONTINUED) (2009/2010-2014/2015)
TEAT11: Activity at Danish state subsidised theatres by theatre/type of theatre, genre, activity and opening (DISCONTINUED) (2009/2010-2014/2015)
TEAT12: Danish guest performances abroad by theatre/type of theatre, country where performed and primary audience (DISCONTINUED) (2009/2010-2014/2015)
TEAT13: Activity from guest appearances from abroad in Denmark by theatre/type of theatre, producers nationality, primary audience, genre and activity (DISCONTINUED) (2009/2010-2014/2015)
TEAT14: Economic performance of state-subsidised theatres by region, theatre/type of theatre and key figures (DISCONTINUED) (2009/2010-2014/2015)
TEAT15: Theatre activity by category of theatre, genre and activity (DISCONTINUED) (2009/2010-2014/2015)
Consumption of performing arts - the Cultural habits survey
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KVUSC1: Consumption of performing arts (quarter) by access and age and sex (2018Q3-2023Q4)
KVUSC2: Comsumption of performing arts (quarter) by genre and age and sex (2018Q3-2023Q4)
KVUARSC1: Consumption of performing arts (year) by access, sex and age (2018-2022)
KVUARSC2: Consumption of performing arts (year) by genre, sex and age (2018-2022)
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Music schools
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MUSKOL01: Music schools by region and key figures (DISCONTINUED) (2012:2013-2020:2021)
SKOLM01: Music schools by municipality and key figures (2021:2022-2022:2023)
MUSKOL02: Pupils at music schools by region, status on music school pupil, subject, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2012:2013-2020:2021)
SKOLM02A: Students activities at music schools by municipality, subject, age and sex (2021:2022-2022:2023)
SKOLM02B: Students at music schools by municipality, age and sex (2021:2022-2022:2023)
LABY41: Students activities at music schools per 1,000 capita by municipality groups and subject (2021:2022-2022:2023)
MUSKOL03: Maintaining music school students by region, subject and experienced (DISCONTINUED) (2013:2014-2020:2021)
SKOLM03: MGK students at music schools by MGK-centres and age and sex (2021:2022-2022:2023)
MUSKOL04: Music school staff by region, category of staff and extent of working time (DISCONTINUED) (2012:2013-2020:2021)
SKOLM04A: Employees full time work at the music schools by municipality, occupation and subject area (2021:2022-2022:2023)
SKOLM04B: Employees at the music schools by sex, age and education (2021:2022-2022:2023)
SKOLM04C: Employees at the music schools by sex, age and work place region (2021:2022-2022:2023)
MUSKOL05: Senior staff with teaching by region, category of person, employment rate, education time and education (DISCONTINUED) (2012:2013-2020:2021)
SKOLM05: Music Schools economy by municipality and economic key figures (2012:2013-2022:2023)
MUSKOL06: Music schools economy by region and economic key figures (DISCONTINUED) (2012:2013-2020:2021)
SKOLM06: Talent students at music schools by municipality and art form (2022:2023)
LIGEKB3A: Students activities at music schools by municipality, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2021:2022)
LIGEKB3: Pupils in music schools (0-24 years) by region, subject and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2012:2013-2020:2021)
Gender equality indicator, music schools
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LIGEKI3A: Gender equality indicator of pupils in music schools by indicator, municipality and age (2021:2022-2022:2023)
LIGEKI3: Gender equality indicator of pupils in music schools (0-24 years) by region and subject (DISCONTINUED) (2012:2013-2020:2021)
Music habits
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Singing ¿ the Cultural habits survey
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KVUKOR1: Singing (quarter) by frequency and age and sex (2021Q1)
KVUKOR2: Singing (quarter) by social context and age and sex (2021Q1)
KVUKOR3: Singing (quarter) by musical context and age and sex (2021Q1)
Music consumption - the Cultural habits survey
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KVUARMK1: Consumption of music (year) by location, sex and age (2018-2022)
KVUARMK2: Consumption of music (year) by unit, sex and age (2018-2022)
KVUARMK3: Consumption of music (year) by genre, sex and age (2018)
KVUMK01: Consumption of music (quarter) by location and age and sex (2018Q3-2023Q4)
KVUMK02: Consumption of music (quarter) by access and age and sex (2018Q3-2023Q4)
KVUMK03: Consumption of music (quarter) by genre and age and sex (2018Q3-2020Q1)
Buying and selling of music
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MUSIK1: Revenue from the sale of recorded music by nationality and form of distribution (2008-2023)
MUSIK2: Purchase of rights for recording music by industry (DB07) and region (2008-2023)
MUSIK3: Income by sale of music by type of owner of rights and region (2012-2023)
MUSIK4: Authors income from music rights by sex, age and region (2012-2023)
MUSIK5: Registered musical works (2000-2023)
MUSIK6: Authors (composers and songwriters) with new registered musical works by sex and age (2021-2023)
Live music
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LIVMUS01: The number of audiences for concerts by concert organizer and concert size (2018-2023)
LIVMUS02: Concerts by concert organizer and concert size (2018-2023)
LIVMUS03: Concert Organizers by organizertype, sector and industrial activity (DB07) (2018-2023)
LIVMUS04: Concert Organizers by organizertype, sector and province (2018-2023)
Concert attendance ¿ the Cultural habits survey
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KVULIV01: The population's paticipation in concerts by sex, genre and age (2018-2022)
KVULIV02: The population's paticipation in concerts by education, genre and age (2018-2022)
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Sports economy and employment in sports
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IDRFIN01: Sports expenses of municipalities ( DKK 1,000) by region, function and dranst (2011-2023)
IDRFIN02: Sports expenses of municipalities pr. capita(DDK) by county, function and dranst (2011-2023)
IDROEKO1: Sports activities' key economic figures by industry (DB07) and key figures (2013-2022)
IDRUDD01: Students on full-time sportseducations by sex, type of education and status (2015-2022)
Employment in sports
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IDRBES01: Sports employment by industry (DB07), sex, age and key figures (2015-2022)
IDRBES02: Sports employment by industry (DB07), function and key figures (2015-2022)
IDRBES03: Sports employment by industry (DB07), level of education and key figures (2015-2022)
Consumption of sports by households
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IDRFU01: Sports Consumption for an average household by group of consumption (2014-2022)
IDRFU02: Sports consumption by group of consumption and socioeconomic status (2014-2022)
IDRFU03: Sports consumption by group of consumption and households (2014-2022)
IDRFU04: Sports consumption by group of consumption and total income (2014-2022)
IDRFU05: Sports consumption by group of consumption and type of dwelling (2014-2022)
IDRFU06: Sports consumption by group of consumption and region (2014-2022)
IDRFU07: Sports consumption by group of consumption and age (2014-2022)
Participation in sports
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IDRAKT01: Members of sports organizations by region, activity, sex and age (2014-2023)
IDRAKT02: Memberships of sports organizations (share of population) by region, sex and age (2014-2023)
Sports results
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MEDALJE1: Danish winners of international sports medals by championship, sports and medal (1980-2023)
IDRRES01: Sports results in olympic disciplines by discipline, country and performance (2016-2023)
IDRRES02: Sports results in olympic disciplines by discipline, country and comparative performance (2016-2023)
IDRRANG1: Overall rank in olympic disciplines by discipline, country, performance and rank (2016-2023)
Exercise and sports habits of the Danes
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IDRVAN01: Adults sporting activities by sex and age and sports (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2016)
IDRVAN1A: Adults sports activities by sex and age and sports (2007-2020)
IDRVAN02: Adults sports activities by sex and age and participation (2007-2020)
IDRVAN03: Sports active adults sporting activities by sex and age and frequency (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2016)
IDRVAN04: Sports active adults' sports activities by sex and age and time usage (2007-2020)
IDRVAN05: Adults sports activities by sex and age and organisation (2007-2020)
IDRVAN06: Adults sports activities by highest education completed and participation (2007-2020)
IDRVAN07: Adults sporting activities by region and participation (DISCONTINUED) (2011-2016)
IDRVAN08: Adults sports activities by socioeconomic status and participation (2007-2020)
IDRVAN09: Childrens sporting activities by age and sex and sports (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2016)
IDRVAN9A: Childrens sporting activities by age and sex and sports (2007-2020)
IDRVAN10: Childrens sports activities by age and sex and participation (2007-2020)
IDRVAN11: Sports active childrens sporting activities by age and sex and frequency (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2016)
IDRVAN12: Sports active childrens' sports activities by age and sex and time usage (2007-2020)
IDRVAN13: Childrens sports activities by age and sex and organisation (2007-2020)
IDRVAN14: Childrens sports activities by age and sex and parental background (2011-2020)
IDRTIL01: Attendances at sportsevents by sport and attendances to matches (2006/2007-2022/2023)
Consumption of sports - the Cultural habits survey
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IDRKVU01: Individuals use of sport activities within the past three months by sport activity and age and sex (2018Q4-2023Q4)
KVUARMO2: Consumption of physical exercise (year) by location, sex and age (2018-2022)
KVUARMO3: Consumption of sport events (as spectator) (year) by access, sex and age (2018-2022)
KVUMS02: Consumption of physical exercise (quarter) by location and age and sex (2018Q3-2023Q4)
KVUMS03: Consumption of sport events (as spectator) by access and age and sex (2018Q3-2023Q4)
Sports clubs and sporting facilities
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IDRFAC01: Sports facilities by region and facility type (2017-2023)
IDRFOR01: Sports clubs and members by region, organization and key figures (2014-2023)
LABY17: Membership of sports clubs (in percentage) by municipality groups (2014-2023)
MEDLEM1: Sports federations and youth and outdoor activities organizations by organization (DISCONTINUED) (2012-2016)
Digital behaviour and cultural habits
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Digital behaviour
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BEBRIT02: Latest use of internet - per cent of the population (16-74 years) by type and latest use (2008-2024)
BEBRIT03: Mobile access to internet (away from home) by type and mobile access - Per cent of those, who have used internet in the past three months (DISCONTINUED) (2008-2010)
BEBRIT04: Use of internet for communication activities by type and communication activity - Per cent of those, who have used internet in the past three months (DISCONTINUED) (2008-2009)
BEBRIT07: Purchase via internet - per cent of the population (16-74 years) by type and latest purchase (2008-2024)
BEBRIT08: E-commerce during the past year by type and product - per cent of those, who have bought something via internet during the past year (2008-2024)
BEBRIT19: It-security problems within the last year - per cent of internet users (16-74) by type and activity (2019)
BEBRIT21: Use of internet for private purposes - per cent of the population(16-74 years) by type, equipment and behaviour when replacing (2024)
BEBRIT22: Considerations when buying IT equipment - percent of the population (16-74 years by type and consideration when buying (2024)
BEBRIT09: Use of internet for private purposes - per cent of the population(16-74 years) by type and internet activity (2008-2024)
BEBRIT18: Use of cloud computing - per cent of the population (16-74 years) by type (2014-2020)
FABRIT01: Access to computer and internet by household type and access (pct. of households) (2008-2024)
BEBRIT11: E-commerce by type of sellers by type and sellers - per cent of those (16-74 years) who have bought something via internet in the past year (2008-2023)
BEBRT11X: Access to the Internet in the population by type and access (DISCONTINUED) (2003H01-2003H02)
BEBRIT12: Arguments for internet shopping by type, cause and impact (DISCONTINUED) (2009)
BEBRIT13: Do you read the conditions of sale when purchasing over internet? (by type and frequency) (DISCONTINUED) (2009)
BEBRIT17: Frequency in use of streaming services - per cent of those who answered that they have used the services to stream films/tv or music (16-89 years) by type, purpose and frequency (DISCONTINUED) (2014-2016)
BEBRIT20: Use of streaming services - per cent of individuals (16-89 years) by type and purpose (2014-2020)
BEBRIT16: Use of streaming services - per cent of internet users (16-89 years) by type and activity (DISCONTINUED) (2014-2020)
BEBRIT15: Use of internet via mobile phone (16-74 years) - Per cent of all individuals by type and purpose (DISCONTINUED) (2012-2015)
BEBRIT14: Per cent of those who have ever used internet by type and rights (DISCONTINUED) (2009)
FABRIT1: Access to the Internet in the families by type and access (DISCONTINUED) (2001-2007)
ITF: e-skills by digital skills, type and experience (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2009)
BEBRIT01: Internet access in the home - devices with access to internet (DISCONTINUED) (2008-2010)
BEBRIT05: Do internet calls replace other means of communication? by type and other means of communication - Per cent of those, who have used mobil internet (DISCONTINUED) (2008)
BEBRIT06: Advanced use of mobile phones by type and use purpose - per cent of those, who use a mobile phone (DISCONTINUED) (2008)
BEBRIT10: Use of internet for obtaining and sharing audiovisual content by type and internet activity - Per cent of those who have used internet in the past three months (DISCONTINUED) (2008)
BEBRT10X: Access to the Internet in the population by type and access (DISCONTINUED) (2001Q1-2002Q4)
FABRIT02: Devices with access to internet in the home by household type and access (DISCONTINUED) (2008-2010)
BEBRIT1: Access to the Internet in the population by type and access (DISCONTINUED) (2001-2007)
BEBRIT2: Ordering of goods or services over the Internet by the population by type and frequency (DISCONTINUED) (2004-2007)
FABRIT2: Access to the Internet in the families by type and access (DISCONTINUED) (2001Q1-2002Q4)
FABRIT3: Access to the Internet in the families by type and access(DISCONTINUED) (2003H01-2003H02)
DIS111: Communal aerial systems by subscribers (DISCONTINUED) (1998-2016)
DIS114: Cable TV subscriptions by company and type of connection (DISCONTINUED) (1997-2006)
DIS115: Cable modem subscribers (downstream capacity) by number and share, company and connection type, and time (DISCONTINUED) (2000H1-2011H1)
DIS122: Broadband subscriptions by type of broadband (2000H2-2023H2)
LABY51: Broadband coverage (share of private residence with access to broadband internet by municipality groups and broadband speed (2014-2023)
DIS123: Broadband subscriptions by company (DISCONTINUED) (2004H1-2013H1)
DIS124: Market shares of broadband subscriptions by company (DISCONTINUED) (2004H1-2013H1)
DIS125: xDSL subscriptions by capacity (DISCONTINUED) (2002H2-2006H2)
DIS126: Market shares for xDSL-subscriptions' downstream capacity by capacity (DISCONTINUED) (2002H2-2006H2)
DIS127: Active internet subscriptions by company (DISCONTINUED) (2003H1-2007H2)
DIS128: Market shares of active internet subscriptions by company (DISCONTINUED) (2003H1-2008H2)
DIS129: Active internet subscriptions by number and share and private and business (2002H2-2023H2)
DIS131: Households (1000) Reception of TV-channels by amount of tv-channels(DISCONTINUED) (2002U31-48-2016U31-48)
DIS132: Aerial solutions by type of reception in thousand (DISCONTINUED) (2002U31-48-2014U31-48)
DIS133: Aerial combinations in by reception(DISCONTINUED) (2002U31-48-2015U32-48)
DIS134: Internet access in thousands by internet access (DISCONTINUED) (2002U31-48-2013U14-26)
DIS135: Households that can receive national and international TV channels (penetration) by number and share of all Danish households, channel and time(DISCONTINUED) (1999-2012)
DIS136: Households that can receive national and international TV channels (penetration) by unit and channel (DISCONTINUED) (2009-2016)
VIR331: Turnover from internet by type of advertising (1000 DKK) (2000Q1-2022Q4)
Consumption of games and apps - the Cultural habits survey
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KVUARSP1: Consumption of digital games (year) by access, sex and age (2018-2022)
KVUARSP2: Consumption of digital games (year) by devices, sex and age (2018-2022)
KVUSPIL1: Consumption of digital games (quarter) by access and age and sex (2018Q3-2023Q4)
KVUSPIL2: Consumption of digital games (quarter) by device and age and sex (2018Q3-2023Q4)
KVUSPIL3: Consumption of money spent on digital games and amount of different titles by consumption and age and sex (2019Q2)
KVUARMO1: Consumption of work out apps (year) by services, sex and age (2018-2022)
KVUMS01: Consumption of work out apps (quarter) by services and age and sex (2018Q3-2023Q4)
KVUARFR2: Consumption of e-learning (year) by activity, sex and age (2018)
KVUFRI02: Consumption of e-learning (quarter) by activity and age and sex (2018Q3-2020Q1)
Cultural and recreational activities
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MEDLEM2: Membership for youth and outdoor activities organisations by organisation (2007-2023)
MEDLEM: Sports federations and youth and outdoor activities organizations by organization (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2011)
Key figures for the Cultural habits survey
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KV2HOVED: Use of cultural activities by cultural activity, sex and age (2024Q1-2024Q2)
KV2UDD: Use of cultural activities by cultural activity, sex and highest education completed (2024Q1-2024Q2)
KV2URB: Use of cultural activities by cultural activity, sex and age, and urbanisation (2024Q1-2024Q2)
KV2HYP1: Use of media, social media, music, literature, digital games, and exercise by cultural activity, sex, age and frequency (2024Q1-2024Q2)
KV2HYP2: Use of cultural activities outside the home and library digital services by cultural activity, sex, age and frequency (2024Q1-2024Q2)
Key figures for the Cultural habits survey 2018-2023
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KVU1201: Adult participation in selected cultural activities (Per cent of the sample) by cultural activities, age and sex and frequency (DISCONTINUED) (2012)
KVU1202: Adult participation in selected cultural activities (Per cent of the sample) by cultural activities and age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2012)
KVU1203: Causes of adult rejection of cultural activities by cultural activity, age, sex and cause (DISCONTINUED) (2012)
KVU1204: Visits to theaters by performance type and frequency (DISCONTINUED) (2012)
KVU1205: Museum visits by museum type, age, gender and frequency (DISCONTINUED)
KVU1206: Persons who goes on visit or having guests on visit (Per cent of all individual) by activity and background (DISCONTINUED)
KVU1207: Adults reading habits (newspaper)(Per cent of all individuals) by activity and background (DISCONTINUED)
KVU1208: Adults reading habits (books and magasins)(Per cent of all individuals) by activity and background (DISCONTINUED)
KVU1209: Adults who plays instrument or sings by activity and background (DISCONTINUED)
KVU1210: Adults use of library (Per cent of all individuals) by frequency and background (DISCONTINUED)
KVU1211: Adults activities at the library (Per cent of all individuals) by frequency and background (DISCONTINUED)
KVU1212: Adults use of tv, radio and music (Per cent of all individuals) by activity and background (DISCONTINUED)
KVU1213: Adults visits at cinema, concerts and museums (Per cent of all individuals) by activity and background (DISCONTINUED)
KVU1214: Adults sport activities within the past year (Per cent of all individuals) by activity and background (DISCONTINUED)
KVU11: Adults reading habits (per cent of the sample) by type of reading, reading frequency and age (DISCONTINUED)
KVU14: Adults reading habits (per cent of the sample) by type of reading, reading frequency and type of household (DISCONTINUED) (2004)
KVU15: Adults reading habits by type of reading, reading frequency and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2004)
KVU16: Adults use of library (per cent of the sample) by visits library and age (DISCONTINUED)
KVU17: Adults use of library by visits library and type of household (DISCONTINUED) (2004)
KVU18: Adults use of library (per cent of the sample) by visits library and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2004)
KVU31: Adults participation in outgoing cultural activities (per cent of the sample) by cultural activities and part of the country (DISCONTINUED) (2004)
KVU32: Adults participation in outgoing cultural activities (per cent of the sample) by cultural activities and urbanity (DISCONTINUED) (2004)
KVU41: Adults participation in outgoing cultural activities (per cent of the sample) by cultural activities, frequency and physical handicap, that hamper the mobility (DISCONTINUED) (2004)
KVU51: Adults participation in selected cultural activities (per cent of the sample) by cultural activities and type of household (DISCONTINUED) (2004)
KVU52: Adults participation in selected cultural activities by cultural activities and sex (percentage of adults) (DISCONTINUED) (2004)
KVU54: Adults participation in selected cultural activities (per cent of the sample) by cultural activities and education (DISCONTINUED) (2004)
KVU53: Adults participation in selected cultural activities (per cent of the sample) by cultural activities and age (DISCONTINUED) (2004)
KVU61: Adults sports and exercise activities (per cent of the sample) by cultural activities and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2004)
KVU71: Adults time usage on selected cultural activities (per cent of the sample) by cultural activities, time usage and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2004)
KVU81: Adults sports and exercise habits (per cent of the sample) by cultural activities and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2004)
KVU82: Adults sports and exercise habits (per cent of the sample) by cultural activities and education (DISCONTINUED) (2004)
KVUAARKA: Cultural activities (year) within the last three months by cultural activities, sex and age (2018-2022)
KVUARGEO: Individuals use of cultural activities (year) within the past three months by cultural activities and area (2018-2022)
KVUARUDD: Individuals use of cultural activities (year) within the past three months by cultural activities and education (DISCONTINUED) (2018-2022)
KVUH1KA: Consumption of visual arts, sports, literature, games and library within the past three months by activity, age, gender and frequency (2018-2022)
KVUH1GEO: Consumption of visual arts, sports, literature, games and library within the past three months by cultural activities, area and frequency (2018-2022)
KVUH1UDD: Consumption of visual arts, sports, literature, games and library (year) within the past three months by cultural activities, education and frequency (2018-2022)
KVUH2KA: Consumption of music, films, TV shows and news (year) within the past week by activity, age, gender and frequency (2018-2022)
KVUH2GEO: Consumption of music, films, TV shows and news (year) within the past week by cultural activities, area and frequency (2018-2022)
KVUH2UDD: Consumption of music, films, TV shows and news (year) within the past week by cultural activities, education and frequency (2018-2022)
KVUHOVED: Use of cultural activities (quarter) within the past three months by cultural activities and age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2018Q3-2023Q4)
KVUSNAK: Talks about films, series or books within the past three months by cultural activities, age and sex and frequency (2020Q1)
KVUMUS6: Visit to museums by age and sex (2021Q4)
KVUHYP01: Consumption of visual arts, sports, literature, games and library (quarter) within the past three months by activity, age, gender and frequency (DISCONTINUED) (2018Q3-2023Q4)
KVUSMMEN: Cultural activities with others within the past three months by cultural activities, age and sex and use (2020Q1)
KVUHYP02: Consumption of music, films, TV shows and news (kvartal) within the past week by activity, age, gender and frequency(DISCONTINUED) (2018Q3-2023Q4)
KVUARMS3: Visit to museums or exhibitions (year) by purpose, sex and age (DISCONTINUED) (2018)
KVUARFR3: Consumption of recreation (year) by activity, sex and age (2018-2022)
KVUARFR4: Voluntary work (year) by area, sex and age (2018-2022)
LABY18: Voluntary work (per cent of the population) by municipality groups and area (2018-2022)
KVUFRI03: Consumption of spare time activities (quarter) by activity and age and sex (2018Q3-2023Q4)
KVUFRI04: Voluntary work (quarter) by area and age and sex (2018Q3-2023Q4)
Cultural habits of children
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KVUB1201: Childrens participation in selected culture activities by cultural activity, age, sex and frequency (DISCONTINUED) (2012)
KVUB1202: Childrens participation in selected culture activities by cultural activity, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2012)
KVUB1203: Causes of children rejection of cultural activities by cultural activity, age, sex and cause (DISCONTINUED) (2012)
KVUB1204: Children who play computer games (Per cent of all individuals) by frequency and background (DISCONTINUED) (1998-2012)
KVUB1205: Childrens use of tv (Per cent of all individuals) by frequency and background (DISCONTINUED) (1993-2012)
KVUB1206: Childrens share of music listening (Per cent of all individuals) by frequency and background (DISCONTINUED) (1998-2012)
KVUB1207: Childrens library visits (Per cent of all individuals) by frequency and background (DISCONTINUED) (1987-2012)
KVUB1208: Children who reads books (Per cent of all individuals) by frequency and background (DISCONTINUED) (1987-2012)
KVUB1209: Children who reads newspaper (Per cent of all individuals) by frequency and background (DISCONTINUED) (1987-2012)
KVUB1210: Childrens use of movies (Per cent of all individuals) by frequency and background (DISCONTINUED) (1993-2012)
KVUB1211: Children with friends on visit (Per cent of all individuals) by frequency and background (DISCONTINUED) (1987-2004)
KVUB1212: Children who visit their friends (per cent of all individuals) by frequency and background (DISCONTINUED) (1987-2004)
KVUB2: Childrens music activities (per cent of the sample) by cultural activities and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2004)
KVUB3: Childrens participation in outgoing cultural activities (per cent of the sample) by cultural activities and urbanity (DISCONTINUED) (2004)
KVUB4: Childrens time usage on selected cultural activities (per cent of the sample) by cultural activities, time usage and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2004)
KVUB5: Childrens participation in selected cultural activities (per cent of the sample) by cultural activities and parents education (DISCONTINUED) (2004)
KVUB6: Frequency of childrens reading and use of electronic medias (per cent of the sam by cultural activities, frequency and participation of parent (DISCONTINUED) (2004)
KVUB7: Frequency of childrens reading and use of electronic medias (per cent of the sam by cultural activities, frequency and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2004)
KVUB8: Frequency of childrens reading and use of electronic medias (per cent of the sam by cultural activities, frequency and age (DISCONTINUED) (2004)
KVUB1: Childrens sports and exercise activities (per cent of the sample) by cultural activities and age (DISCONTINUED) (2004)
Education, economy and employment in the cultural field
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Education and employment in the cultural field
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Conditions for artists
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KUNST1: Artist by type of art, sex and age groups (2022)
KUNST2: Artist by type of art and region of residence (2022)
KUNST3: Artist by type of art, income base and age groups (2022)
KUNST4: Artist by type of art, family type, sex and age groups (2022)
KUNST5: Artist by type of art, level of education, sex and age groups (2022)
Business structure and labor market
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KUIV1: Cultural Business Demography by cultural domains, activity and unit (2008-2021)
KUIV2: Cultural Business Demography by area and unit (2008-2021)
KUERH1: Cultural business structure by cultural domains, activity and unit (2008-2021)
KUERH2: Cultural business structure by region, activity and unit (2008-2021)
KUERH3: Cultural workplaces (ultimo November) by cultural domains, activity and size (2008-2021)
KUARB1: Employees in cultural sector by sex, cultural domains and education (2008-2021)
KUARB2: Employees in cultural sector by cultural domains, age and ancestry (2008-2021)
KUARB3: Employees in cultural sector by sex, cultural domains and type of job (2008-2021)
Graduates from cultural education
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KUBESK1: Unemployment rates for gdaduation from cultural educations by education institution, education, graduation year, sex and type of unemployment (DISCONTINUED) (2010-2019)
KUBESK11: Unemployment rates for gdaduation from cultural educations by education institution, education, graduation year, sex and type of unemployment (2020-2023)
KUBESK1X: Unemployment rates by education institution, graduation year and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2010)
KUBESK22: Activity rates (end November) by education institution, education, sex and graduation year (2019-2022)
KUBESK2: Activity rates (end November) by education institution, education, sex and graduation year (DISCONTINUED) (2010-2018)
KUBESK2X: Activity rates by education institution, sex and graduation year (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2010)
KUBESK3: Employed persons (end November) by education institution, education, sector and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2010-2018)
KUBESK33: Employed persons (end November) by education institution, education, sector and sex (2019-2022)
KUBESK3X: Employed persons by education institution, sector and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2010)
KUBESK4: Average income by education institution, education, graduation year, sex and type of income (DISCONTINUED) (2010-2018)
KUBESK44: Average income by education institution, education, graduation year, sex and type of income (2019-2022)
KUBESK4X: Average income by education institution, graduation year, sex and type of income (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2009)
KUBESK55: Employment (end November) by education institution, education, work place region and sex (2019-2022)
KUBESK5: Graduated employed (end november) by education institution, work place region and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2010-2018)
KUBESK5X: Employed by education institution, work place region and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2010)
Cultural education
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KULTUDD: Students at the Ministry of Culture institutions by status, education institution, education and International and non internationals students (2005-2023)
KULTUDD1: Students dropped-out within 5 years from the Ministry of Culture institutions by educational institution and start year (2005-2018)
KULTUDD2: Average study time (months) for completed education at the Ministry of Culture institutions by educational institution (2005-2023)
Participation at folk high schools
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FOHOJ01: Participation at folk high schools by type of course, sex, age, ancestry, unit and points in time (2016-2023)
FOHOJ02A: Participation at folk high schools medium and long courses by sex, age, educational attainment in the family, unit and points in time (2016-2023)
FOHOJ02B: Participation at folk high schools medium and long courses by sex, age, equivalent disposable income, unit and points in time (2016-2023)
FOHOJ03A: Participation at folk high schools short courses by sex, age, highest education completed, unit and points in time (2016-2023)
FOHOJ03B: Participation at folk high schools short courses by sex, age, personal income, unit and points in time (2016-2023)
FOHOJ04: Participation at folk high schools by type of course, residence province, sex, institution, unit and points in time (2016-2023)
Funding and payments in the cultural field
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Public funding
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BEVIL01: Public funding for cultural purposes by cultural domain, purpose, financing arrangements and financing type (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2019)
BEVIL01B: Public funding for cultural purposes by cultural domain, purpose, financing arrangements and financing type (2020-2024)
BEVIL02: Public funding for cultural purposes by cultural domain, financing arrangements and financing type (2007-2024)
BEVIL03: Public funding for cultural purposes related to children by cultural domain, purpose, financing arrangements and financing type (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2013)
BEVIL05: Public funding for cultural purposes related to research by cultural domain, purpose, financing arrangements and financing type (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2019)
BEVIL05B: Public funding for cultural purposes related to research by cultural domain, purpose, financing arrangements and financing type (2020-2024)
BEVIL04B: Public funding for cultural purposes related to tertiary education by cultural domain, purpose, financing arrangements and financing type (2020-2024)
BEVIL04: Public funding for cultural purposes related to tertiary education by cultural domain, purpose, financing arrangements and financing type (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2019)
BEVIL06: Public funding for international cultural purposes by cultural domain, purpose, financing arrangements and financing type (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2013)
Payments by the Ministry of Culture
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KUBS01: Payments by the Ministry of Culture by cultural domains (2010-2022)
KUBS02A: Payments by the Ministry of Culture by case region, cultural domain and financing type (DISCONTINUED) (2010-2018)
KUBS02B: Payments by the Ministry of Culture by region, cultural domains, financing type, state institution and unit (2017-2022)
KUBS03: Payments by the Ministry of Culture (DKK per capita) by region, cultural domain and financing type (DISCONTINUED) (2010-2018)
KUBS05: Personal recipients of payments by the Ministry of Culture by region, cultural domains, sex and age groups (2010-2022)
KUBS06: Payments by the Ministry of Culture to personal recipients by region, cultural domains, sex and age groups (2010-2022)
LABY40: The Ministry of Culture's average payments to personal recipients by municipality groups and cultural domains (2018-2022)
KUBS07: Companies receiving payments by the Ministry of Culture by location, cultural domains, type of company and size of company (2010-2022)
KUBS08: Payments by the Ministry of Culture to companies by location, cultural domains, type of company and size of company (2010-2022)
BIA01: Personal recipients of library money by region, sex and age (2010-2022)
BIA02: Payments of library money by region, sex and age (2010-2022)
Gender equality indicator, funding and payments in the cultural field
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LIGEKI2: Gender equality indicator of payments by the Ministry of Culture to personal recipients by region, cultural domains and age groups (2010-2022)
LIGEKI1: Gender equality indicator of personal recipients of payments by the Ministry of Culture by region, cultural domains and age groups (2010-2022)
Payments by the Ministry of Culture for special cultural domains
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KUBS02: Payments by the Ministry of Culture targeted children and young people by case region, cultural domains, special cross-purpose (children and young people) and financing type (DISCONTINUED) (2012-2018)
KUBS04: Payments by the Ministry of Culture targeted children and young people (DKK per inhabitant up to 18 years) by case region, cultural domains and financing type DISCONTINUED) (2012-2018)
KUBS04B: Payments by the Ministry of Culture targeted children and young people by region, cultural domains, financing type, state institution and unit (2017-2022)
KUBS09: Payments by the Ministry of Culture targeted research by region, cultural domain and financing type (DISCONTINUED) (2012-2018)
KUBS09B: Payments by the Ministry of Culture targeted research by region, cultural domains, financing type, state institution and unit (2017-2022)
KUBS10: Payments by the Ministry of Culture targeted education by region, cultural domain and financing type (DISCONTINUED) (2012-2018)
KUBS10B: Payments by the Ministry of Culture targeted education by region, cultural domains, financing type, state institution and unit (2017-2022)
KUBS11: Payments by the Ministry of Culture targeted international activities by type of country, cultural domains and country (2012-2022)
Research in the cultural field
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FOUKUL02: Full-time equivalents and personnel for R&D by subject area, full-time equivalents, personnel and sex (2007-2022)
FOUKUL01: Expenses for R&D in culture by subject area and expenditures (2007-2022)