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StatBank Denmark
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    Culture and leisure
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    Museums and zoos
    MUS1: Activity by category of museum, type of museum and activity (2009-2023)
    MUS3: Activity at Danish museum sites by region, category of museum, type of museum and activity (2016-2023)
    MUS5: Activity outside the premises of the museum by category of museum, type of museum and activity (2022-2023)
    MUS4: Visits to the museum exhibition by category of museum, type of museum and type of visit (2022-2023)
    MUS: Activity on Danish museums by type of museum, type of subsidizing and type (DISCONTINUED) (1984-2015)
    MUS2: Activity at Danish museums (departments) by region, art of museum, type op museum and activity(DISCONTINUED) (2009-2015)
    Visits to museums - the Cultural habits survey
    KVUARMS1: Visit to museum and cultural heritage sites (year) by type of museum, sex and age (2018-2022)
    KVUARMS4: Use of museum online services (year) by type, sex and age (2018-2022)
    KVUARMS2: Visit to museums or exhibitions (year) by area, sex and age (2018-2022)
    KVUARMS5: Visit to museums or exhibitions (year) by purpose, sex and age (2018-2022)
    KVUMUS1: Visit to museum and cultural heritage sites (quarter) by type of museum and age and sex (2018Q3-2023Q4)
    KVUMUS3: Visit to museum or cultural heritage site(quarter) by purpose and age and sex (2018Q3-2023Q4)
    KVUMUS2: Visit to museums or exhibitions (quarter) by area and age and sex (2018Q3-2023Q4)
    KVUMUS4: Use of museum' online services (quarter) by type and age and sex (2018Q3-2023Q4)
    KVUMUS6: Visit to museums by age and sex (2021Q4)
    KVUMUS7: Barriers to visiting museums by reasons and age and sex (2021Q4)
    KVUBK01: Consumption of graphic art (quarter) by genre and age and sex (2018Q3-2023Q4)
    KVUBK02: Consumption of graphic art (quarter) by access and age and sex (2018Q3-2023Q4)
    KVUARBK2: Consumption of graphic art (year) by access, sex and age (2018-2022)
    KVUARBK1: Consumption of graphic art (year) by genre, sex and age (2018-2022)
    Zoological gardens and aquariums
    ZOO1: Zoos, Aquariums and Botanical Gardens by region, type of zoo and activity(DISCONTINUED) (2009-2015)
    ZOO2: Activity in Zoos and Aquariums by region, type of zoo and activity (DISCONTINUED) (2016-2021)
    ZOO3: Activity in zoos and aquariums by category of zoo, type of zoo and activity (2021-2023)
    ZOO4: Visits to zoos and aquariums by category of zoo, type of zoo and type of visit (2021-2023)
    Visits to zoos - the Cultural habits survey
    KVUARFR1: Visit to zoos, themeparks etc. (year) by type, sex and age (2018-2022)
    KVUFRI1: Visit to zoos, themeparks etc.(per cent of the population) by type and age and gender (2018Q3-2023Q4)
    Cultural heritage
    Listed buildings and ancient monuments
    KFRED1: Protected buildings by region, type of building and year of construction (2012-2023)
    KFRED2: Protected ancient monuments by region and farm category (2010-2023)
    KFRED3: New protections and de-protections by unit and region (2012-2023)
    Cultural heritage visits - the Cultural habits survey
    KVUFOR02: Visit to cultural heritage in Denmark by type and age and sex (2020Q2-2023Q4)
    KVUFOR01: Visit to cultural heritage in Denmark by type and age and sex (2019Q4)
    ARKIV01: Activity and staffing of the Danish National State Archives by archive and key figures (2007-2023)
    ARKIV03: Activity and staffing of the National Danish Archives (State Archives) by key figures (2011-2023)
    ARKIV02: Activity and staffing of the city and local archives by region and key figures (DISCONTINUED) (2011-2017)
    ARKIV02B: Activity and staffing of the city and local archives by region and key figures (2016-2023)
    Public libraries
    BIB1: Public libraries key figures by region and key figures (2009-2023)
    BIB2B: Public libraries by region and activity (2009-2023)
    BIB3: Public libraries physical materials by region, collection, inventory and material type (2009-2023)
    BIB3B: Public libraries physical materials by region, collection, inventory, material type and age (2010-2023)
    BIB4C: Public libraries stock and use of electronic resources at external servers by region, inventory and electronic material type (DISCONTINUED) (2014-2015)
    BIB4D: Public libraries stock and use of electronic resources at internal servers by region, inventory and electronic material type (DISCONTINUED) (2014-2015)
    BIB4E: Public libraries stock and use of electronic resources by region, inventory and electronic material type (2014-2023)
    BIB4: Public libraries stock and use of electronic resources by region, inventory, electronic material type and location (DISCONTINUED) (2009-2013)
    BIB5: Public libraries interlibrary loans by region, inventory and material type (2009-2023)
    BIB6: Public Libraries economy by region and revenue/expenditure (2009-2023)
    BIB7: Activities at libraries by region, type and activity (2009-2023)
    BIB8: Full time employees at public libraries by region and category of staff (2009-2023)
    LABY42: Full time employees at public libraries per 1,000 capita by municipality groups and category of staff (2016-2023)
    SBS1: Comparative statistics of public libraries by region and key figures (2009-2023)
    Library users
    IBIB1: Loans and loaners by region, library, sex and category (2020Q1-2024Q2)
    IBIB1A: Lending and borrowers by region, library, sex and category (2020-2023)
    IBIB2: Loans and loaners by region, library, age and category (2020Q1-2024Q2)
    IBIB2A: Loans and loaners by region, library, age and category (2020-2023)
    IBIB3: Loans and loaners by region, library, highest education completed and category (2020Q1-2024Q2)
    IBIB3A: Loans and loaners by region, library, highest education completed and category (2020-2023)
    IBIB4: Loans and loaners by region, distance from home to the library, where a loan was made and category (2020Q1-2024Q2)
    IBIB4A: Loans and loaners by region, distance from home to the library, where a loan was made and category (2020-2023)
    Library visits - the Cultural habits survey
    KVUARBB1: Visit to library (year) by purpose, sex and age (2018-2022)
    KVUBIB2: Visit to library (quarter) by purpose and age and sex (2018Q3-2023Q4)
    KVUARBB2: Online library visits (year) by digital services, sex and age (2018-2022)
    KVUBIB3: Online library visits (quarter) by digital services and age and sex (2018Q3-2023Q4)
    Research libraries
    FORSK21: Research libraries with special obligations by activity (2009-2023)
    FORSK22: Economy at research libraries with special obligations by research library and activity (2009-2023)
    FORSK23: Loans at research libraries with special obligations by library, inventory and type of recipient (2009-2023)
    FORSK24: Stockat research libraries with special obligations by library and material type (2009-2023)
    FORSK1: Research libraries with special obligations by region and activity (DISCONTINUED) (2009-2015)
    FORSK2: Economy at research libraries with special obligations by region and activity (DISCONTINUED) (2009-2015)
    FORSK3: Loans and renewals at research libraries with special obligations by library, inventory and type of recipient (DISCONTINUED) (2009-2015)
    FORSK4: Stock, accession and discarding at research libraries with special obligations by library, inventory and material type (DISCONTINUED) (2009-2015)
    FORSK5: Stock and use of electronic resources at research libraries with special obl. by library, inventory, material type and location (DISCONTINUED) (2009-2013)
    FORSK5B: Stock and use of electronic resources at research libraries with special obl. by library, inventory, electronic material type and location (DISCONTINUED) (2014-2015)
    FORSK6: Interlibrary loans at research libraries with special obligations by library and source (2009-2023)
    FORSK11: Other research libraries by region and activity (DISCONTINUED) (2009-2015)
    FORSK12: Loans and renewals at other research libraries by library, inventory and type of loan (DISCONTINUED) (2009-2015)
    FORSK13: Stock, accession and discarding at other research libraries by library, inventory and type(DISCONTINUED) (2009-2015)
    FORSK14: Stock and use of electronic resources at other research libraries by library, inventory and material type (DISCONTINUED) (2009-2013)
    FORSK14B: Stock and use of electronical ressources at other research libraries by library, inventory and electronic material type(DISCONTINUED) (2014-2015)
    SBS2: Comparative statistic of research libraries by region and key figures (2009-2023)
    FORSK5C: Stock and use of electronic resources at research libraries with special obl. by library, inventory, electronic material type and location (2014-2023)
    News media and literature
    News media and magazines
    DAGBLAD2: Daily newspaper by key figures, publication day, geographical coverage and readership interval (DISCONTINUED) (2007H1-2018H2)
    DAGBLAD3: Daily newspapers by key figures, geographical coverage and readership interval (2018-2023)
    MAGASIN1: Magazines by key figures, publishing frequency, subject and readership interval (DISCONTINUED) (2007H1-2018H2)
    MAGASIN2: Magazines by key figures, publishing frequency, subject and readership interval (2018-2023)
    FAGBLAD2: Trade journal by key figures, publishing frequency, industry and readership interval (2018-2023)
    FAGBLAD: Trade journal by key figures, publishing frequency, industry and readership interval (DISCONTINUED) (2007H1-2018H2)
    AVISLAES: Newspaper readers by publication day and geographical area (DISCONTINUED) (2010H1-2018H2)
    DAGBLAD: Circulation by daily newspaper (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2014)
    DAGBLAD1: Daily newspaper by daily newspapers circulation, day of the week and size of circulation (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2014)
    MAGASIN: Consumer-paid magazines by circulation (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2014)
    AVISLAS1: Newspaper readers by key figures and geographical area (2018-2023)
    VIR311: Number of media enterprises by type and turnover (DISCONTINUED) (2003-2007)
    VIR312: Media enterprises by type and employment (DISCONTINUED) (2003-2007)
    VIR313: Media enterprises' turnover by type (DISCONTINUED) (2003-2007)
    VIR314: Media enterprises' turnover by industry, turnover and employment (DISCONTINUED) (2003-2007)
    VIR314B: Media enterprises' turnover by industry and employment (DISCONTINUED) (2005-2007)
    VIR315: Media enterprises' employment by type (DISCONTINUED) (2003-2007)
    VIR316: Advertising turnover by media (DISCONTINUED) (1999-2017)
    VIR322: Turnover and employment at public, commercial and public service media enterprises (DISCONTINUED) (2003-2007)
    VIR332: Enterprises by type of company, part of the country and turnover (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2007)
    VIR333A: Employment by type of company, sex and size of company (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2007)
    VIR333B: Employment by type of company, sex and turnover of the company (DISCONTINUED) (2006-2007)
    News consumption - the Cultural habits survey
    KVUARNY1: Consumption of news (year) by access, sex and age (2018-2022)
    KVUARNY3: Consumption of news (year) by media, sex and age (2018-2022)
    KVUNYH01: Consumption of news (quarter) by access and age and sex (2018Q3-2023Q4)
    KVUARNY2: Consumption of newspapers or online newspapers (year) by access, sex and age (2018-2022)
    KVUNYH02: Consumption of newspapers or online newspapers (quarter) by access and age and sex (2018Q3-2023Q4)
    KVUARNY4: Consumption of news media content (year) by type, sex and age (2018-2022)
    KVUNYH03: Consumption of news media (quarter) by media and age and sex (2018Q3-2023Q4)
    KVUNYH04: Consumption of news media content (quarter) by type and age and sex (2018Q3-2023Q4)
    Radio and TV
    FOR4211: Airtime (in minutes) by TV-channel and type of program (DISCONTINUED) (2001-2015)
    FOR411: Number of sold devices by type (DISCONTINUED) (1991-2008)
    FOR4210: TV-stations' share of viewing time by channel and target group (DISCONTINUED) (1998-2015)
    FOR4212: Share of airtime by channel and type of program (DISCONTINUED) (2000-2015)
    FOR4213: Viewing time (minutes) by TV-channel and type of program (DISCONTINUED) (2000-2015)
    FOR4214: Viewing time (share in percent) by channel and type of program (DISCONTINUED) (2000-2015)
    FOR4215: Average daily TV consumption in minutes (aged 3 and up) by month (DISCONTINUED) (1996-2015)
    FOR4216: TV commercials by commercial channel and number, duration and coverage (DISCONTINUED) (1999-2015)
    FOR422: Average weekly TV viewing by TV-channel (DISCONTINUED) (1999-2015)
    FOR424: Average daily TV coverage (no. of viewers in 1.000) by channel (DISCONTINUED) (1998-2015)
    FOR425: Average daily TV coverage (share of population aged 3 and up) by TV channel (DISCONTINUED) (1998-2015)
    FOR426: Average weekly TV-coverage (number of viewers in 1000) by channel (DISCONTINUED) (1998-2015)
    FOR427: Average weekly TV-coverage (share of population aged 3 and up) by channel (DISCONTINUED) (1998-2015)
    APP212: Share of conversion and viewing devices by type of device(DISCONTINUED) (2002U31-48-2016U31-48)
    VIR317: Turnover from TV-spots (in 1.000 DKK) by industry (DISCONTINUED) (1998-2015)
    FOR441C: Listeners by radio station and number of listeners (DISCONTINUED) (2012-2015)
    FOR441B: Listeners by radio station and number of listeners (DISCONTINUED) (2008-2012)
    FOR441: Radio listeners by station and number of listeners (DISCONTINUED) (1997Q3-2007Q4)
    BOG01: Book releases, commercial, by subject, extent, edition and media (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2013)
    BOG02: Book releases by subject, extent, edition and media (2007-2022)
    BOG03: Book production by subject, original language, published language and media (2007-2022)
    BOG04: School books and children's books by subject, type of book, edition and media (2007-2022)
    BOG05: Booktitles by subject, type of publication and media (2012-2022)
    BOG06: Book releases, commercial by subject, extent, edition, media and original language (2009-2022)
    Consumption of literature - the Cultural habits survey
    KVULIT01: Consumption of fiction (quarter) by format and age and sex (2018Q3-2023Q4)
    KVULIT02: Consumption of fiction (quarter) by access and age and sex (2018Q3-2023Q4)
    KVULIT03: Fiction by genre and age and sex (2019Q1-2021Q3)
    KVUARLI2: Consumption of fiction (year) by access, sex and age (2018-2022)
    KVUARLI1: Consumption of fiction (year) by unit, sex and age (2018-2022)
    KVUHL02: Reading aloud to children between 0-15 years (quarter) by relationship and age and sex (2021Q2)
    KVUHL03: Reading aloud to children from 0-15 y.o. (quarter) by source of inspitation and age and sex (2021Q2)
    KVUHL01: Reading aloud to children 0-15 years (quarter) by reading frequency and age and sex (2021Q2)
    Film and theatre
    Cinemas and films
    BIO1: Danish cinemas, cinema screens and seating capacity by cinemas/cinema screens/seats and size of cinema (1980-2023)
    BIO2: Activity in Danish cinemas by cinema films/tickets and nationality (1980-2023)
    BIO3: Cinemas key figures by region and size of cinema (DISCONTINUED) (2010-2015)
    BIO9: Cinemas key figures by region and size of cinema (2014-2023)
    BIO4TA: Cinema films/premiere films by cinema films/tickets, type/audience, first showing in Denmark and nationality (2007-2023)
    BIO4: Movies, tickets, and sale by target group, release year and nationality (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2015)
    BIO5: Cinema films by cinema films/tickets, film category, type/audience, censorship and nationality (2007-2023)
    BIO6: Cinema movies by key figures, showing week, nationality and type/target group (2007-2023)
    Consumption of films and series - the Cultural habits survey
    KVUARFS1: Consumption of films and series (year) by cultural activities, sex and age (2018-2022)
    KVUARFS2: Consumption of films and series (location) (year) by location, sex and age (2018-2022)
    KVUARFS3: Consumption of films and series (location) (year) by access, sex and age (2018-2022)
    KVUFS1: Consumption of films and series (quarter) by devices and age and sex (2018Q3-2023Q4)
    KVUFS2: Consumption of films and series (location) (quarter) by location and age and sex (2018Q3-2023Q4)
    KVUFS3: Consumption of film and series (quarter) by access and age and sex (2018Q3-2023Q4)
    KVUFS4: Consumption of film and series by nationality, type and age and sex (2019Q3)
    The economics of Danish feature films
    FILMFIN1: Financing of Danish feature films by financing type and key figures (2010-2021)
    FILMFIN2: Financing of Danish feature films by financing type, target group and key figures (2010-2021)
    FILMOMK1: Production costs of Danish feature films by key figures and target group (2010-2021)
    FILMIND1: Revenue of Danish feature films by type of revenue, target group and key figures (2010-2019)
    Theatre and dramatic art
    SCENE01: Activities at danish theatres by category of theatre, activity and genre (DISCONTINUED) (2015/2016-2019/2020)
    SCENE01A: Productions and performances at danish theatres (own stages) by category of theatre, activity and genre (2020/2021-2022/2023)
    SCENE01B: Audiences at danish theatres (own stage) by category of theatre, activity and genre (2020/2021-2022/2023)
    SCENE02: Productions at danish theatres by category of theatre, audience group, scene and genre (DISCONTINUED) (2015/2016-2019/2020)
    SCENE02A: Productions at danish theatres by category of theatre, audience group, scene and genre (2020/2021-2022/2023)
    SCENE03: Performances at danish theatres by category of theatre, audience group, scene and genre (DISCONTINUED) (2015/2016-2019/2020)
    SCENE03A: Performances at danish theatres by category of theatre, audience group, scene and genre (2020/2021-2022/2023)
    SCENE04: Audiences at danish theatres by category of theatre, audience, scene and genre (DISCONTINUED) (2015/2016-2019/2020)
    SCENE04A: Audiences at danish theatres by category of theatre, audience group, scene and genre (2020/2021-2022/2023)
    SCENE05: Danish theatres by category of theatre and the theaters primary audience (DISCONTINUED) (2015/2016-2019/2020)
    SCENE05A: Danish theatres by category of theatre and the theaters primary audience (2020/2021-2022/2023)
    SCENE06: Guest appearances in Denmark by category of theatre, activity, genre and nationality (DISCONTINUED) (2015/2016-2019/2020)
    SCENE06A: Guest appearances in Denmark by category of theatre, activity, genre and nationality (2020/2021-2022/2023)
    SCENE07: Danish theatres tour abroad by category of theatre, activity, genre and nationality (DISCONTINUED) (2015/2016-2019/2020)
    SCENE07A: Danish theatres tour abroad by category of theatre, activity, genre and country (2020/2021-2022/2023)
    SCENE08: Economic performance of state-subsidised theatres by category of theatre and economic (DISCONTINUED) (2015/2016-2019/2020)
    SCENE08A: Economic performance of state-subsidised theatres by category of theatre and unit (2015/2016-2022/2023)
    SCENE09A: Danish theatres tour in Denmark by region, category of theatre, activity and genre (2020/2021-2022/2023)
    SCENE10A: Activities at danish theatres by category of theatre, audience group, type and genre (2015/2016-2022/2023)
    TEAT1: Productions staged on state-subsidized theatres by theatre/type of theatre and type (DISCONTINUED) (1981/1982-2014/2015)
    TEAT2: Performances on state-subsidized theatres by theatre and type (DISCONTINUED) (1981/1982-2014/2015)
    TEAT3: Audience on state-subsidized theatres by theatre and type (DISCONTINUED) (1981/1982-2014/2015)
    TEAT4: Activities on Danish theatres by region, activity and type of subsidizing (DISCONTINUED) (2002/2003-2014/2015)
    TEAT6: Theatre activity by theatre/type of theatre, tour/on site and activity (DISCONTINUED) (2009/2010-2014/2015)
    TEAT7: Theatre activity by region, theatre/type of theatre, category of theatre and activity (DISCONTINUED) (2009/2010-2014/2015)
    TEAT8: Theatre activity by region, theatre/type of theatre, primary audience, genre and activity (DISCONTINUED) (2009/2010-2014/2015)
    TEAT9: Theatre activity by theatre/type of theatre, type of production and activity (DISCONTINUED) (2009/2010-2014/2015)
    TEAT10: Theatre activity by year of origin, authors nationality, genre and activity (DISCONTINUED) (2009/2010-2014/2015)
    TEAT11: Activity at Danish state subsidised theatres by theatre/type of theatre, genre, activity and opening (DISCONTINUED) (2009/2010-2014/2015)
    TEAT12: Danish guest performances abroad by theatre/type of theatre, country where performed and primary audience (DISCONTINUED) (2009/2010-2014/2015)
    TEAT13: Activity from guest appearances from abroad in Denmark by theatre/type of theatre, producers nationality, primary audience, genre and activity (DISCONTINUED) (2009/2010-2014/2015)
    TEAT14: Economic performance of state-subsidised theatres by region, theatre/type of theatre and key figures (DISCONTINUED) (2009/2010-2014/2015)
    TEAT15: Theatre activity by category of theatre, genre and activity (DISCONTINUED) (2009/2010-2014/2015)
    Consumption of performing arts - the Cultural habits survey
    KVUSC1: Consumption of performing arts (quarter) by access and age and sex (2018Q3-2023Q4)
    KVUSC2: Comsumption of performing arts (quarter) by genre and age and sex (2018Q3-2023Q4)
    KVUARSC1: Consumption of performing arts (year) by access, sex and age (2018-2022)
    KVUARSC2: Consumption of performing arts (year) by genre, sex and age (2018-2022)
    Music schools
    MUSKOL01: Music schools by region and key figures (DISCONTINUED) (2012:2013-2020:2021)
    SKOLM01: Music schools by municipality and key figures (2021:2022-2022:2023)
    MUSKOL02: Pupils at music schools by region, status on music school pupil, subject, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2012:2013-2020:2021)
    SKOLM02A: Students activities at music schools by municipality, subject, age and sex (2021:2022-2022:2023)
    SKOLM02B: Students at music schools by municipality, age and sex (2021:2022-2022:2023)
    LABY41: Students activities at music schools per 1,000 capita by municipality groups and subject (2021:2022-2022:2023)
    MUSKOL03: Maintaining music school students by region, subject and experienced (DISCONTINUED) (2013:2014-2020:2021)
    SKOLM03: MGK students at music schools by MGK-centres and age and sex (2021:2022-2022:2023)
    MUSKOL04: Music school staff by region, category of staff and extent of working time (DISCONTINUED) (2012:2013-2020:2021)
    SKOLM04A: Employees full time work at the music schools by municipality, occupation and subject area (2021:2022-2022:2023)
    SKOLM04B: Employees at the music schools by sex, age and education (2021:2022-2022:2023)
    SKOLM04C: Employees at the music schools by sex, age and work place region (2021:2022-2022:2023)
    MUSKOL05: Senior staff with teaching by region, category of person, employment rate, education time and education (DISCONTINUED) (2012:2013-2020:2021)
    SKOLM05: Music Schools economy by municipality and economic key figures (2012:2013-2022:2023)
    MUSKOL06: Music schools economy by region and economic key figures (DISCONTINUED) (2012:2013-2020:2021)
    SKOLM06: Talent students at music schools by municipality and art form (2022:2023)
    LIGEKB3A: Students activities at music schools by municipality, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2021:2022)
    LIGEKB3: Pupils in music schools (0-24 years) by region, subject and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2012:2013-2020:2021)
    Gender equality indicator, music schools
    LIGEKI3A: Gender equality indicator of pupils in music schools by indicator, municipality and age (2021:2022-2022:2023)
    LIGEKI3: Gender equality indicator of pupils in music schools (0-24 years) by region and subject (DISCONTINUED) (2012:2013-2020:2021)
    Music habits
    Singing ¿ the Cultural habits survey
    KVUKOR1: Singing (quarter) by frequency and age and sex (2021Q1)
    KVUKOR2: Singing (quarter) by social context and age and sex (2021Q1)
    KVUKOR3: Singing (quarter) by musical context and age and sex (2021Q1)
    Music consumption - the Cultural habits survey
    KVUARMK1: Consumption of music (year) by location, sex and age (2018-2022)
    KVUARMK2: Consumption of music (year) by unit, sex and age (2018-2022)
    KVUARMK3: Consumption of music (year) by genre, sex and age (2018)
    KVUMK01: Consumption of music (quarter) by location and age and sex (2018Q3-2023Q4)
    KVUMK02: Consumption of music (quarter) by access and age and sex (2018Q3-2023Q4)
    KVUMK03: Consumption of music (quarter) by genre and age and sex (2018Q3-2020Q1)
    Buying and selling of music
    MUSIK1: Revenue from the sale of recorded music by nationality and form of distribution (2008-2023)
    MUSIK2: Purchase of rights for recording music by industry (DB07) and region (2008-2023)
    MUSIK3: Income by sale of music by type of owner of rights and region (2012-2023)
    MUSIK4: Authors income from music rights by sex, age and region (2012-2023)
    MUSIK5: Registered musical works (2000-2023)
    MUSIK6: Authors (composers and songwriters) with new registered musical works by sex and age (2021-2023)
    Live music
    LIVMUS01: The number of audiences for concerts by concert organizer and concert size (2018-2023)
    LIVMUS02: Concerts by concert organizer and concert size (2018-2023)
    LIVMUS03: Concert Organizers by organizertype, sector and industrial activity (DB07) (2018-2023)
    LIVMUS04: Concert Organizers by organizertype, sector and province (2018-2023)
    Concert attendance ¿ the Cultural habits survey
    KVULIV01: The population's paticipation in concerts by sex, genre and age (2018-2022)
    KVULIV02: The population's paticipation in concerts by education, genre and age (2018-2022)
    Sports economy and employment in sports
    IDRFIN01: Sports expenses of municipalities ( DKK 1,000) by region, function and dranst (2011-2023)
    IDRFIN02: Sports expenses of municipalities pr. capita(DDK) by county, function and dranst (2011-2023)
    IDROEKO1: Sports activities' key economic figures by industry (DB07) and key figures (2013-2022)
    IDRUDD01: Students on full-time sportseducations by sex, type of education and status (2015-2022)
    Employment in sports
    IDRBES01: Sports employment by industry (DB07), sex, age and key figures (2015-2022)
    IDRBES02: Sports employment by industry (DB07), function and key figures (2015-2022)
    IDRBES03: Sports employment by industry (DB07), level of education and key figures (2015-2022)
    Consumption of sports by households
    IDRFU01: Sports Consumption for an average household by group of consumption (2014-2022)
    IDRFU02: Sports consumption by group of consumption and socioeconomic status (2014-2022)
    IDRFU03: Sports consumption by group of consumption and households (2014-2022)
    IDRFU04: Sports consumption by group of consumption and total income (2014-2022)
    IDRFU05: Sports consumption by group of consumption and type of dwelling (2014-2022)
    IDRFU06: Sports consumption by group of consumption and region (2014-2022)
    IDRFU07: Sports consumption by group of consumption and age (2014-2022)
    Participation in sports
    IDRAKT01: Members of sports organizations by region, activity, sex and age (2014-2023)
    IDRAKT02: Memberships of sports organizations (share of population) by region, sex and age (2014-2023)
    Sports results
    MEDALJE1: Danish winners of international sports medals by championship, sports and medal (1980-2023)
    IDRRES01: Sports results in olympic disciplines by discipline, country and performance (2016-2023)
    IDRRES02: Sports results in olympic disciplines by discipline, country and comparative performance (2016-2023)
    IDRRANG1: Overall rank in olympic disciplines by discipline, country, performance and rank (2016-2023)
    Exercise and sports habits of the Danes
    IDRVAN01: Adults sporting activities by sex and age and sports (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2016)
    IDRVAN1A: Adults sports activities by sex and age and sports (2007-2020)
    IDRVAN02: Adults sports activities by sex and age and participation (2007-2020)
    IDRVAN03: Sports active adults sporting activities by sex and age and frequency (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2016)
    IDRVAN04: Sports active adults' sports activities by sex and age and time usage (2007-2020)
    IDRVAN05: Adults sports activities by sex and age and organisation (2007-2020)
    IDRVAN06: Adults sports activities by highest education completed and participation (2007-2020)
    IDRVAN07: Adults sporting activities by region and participation (DISCONTINUED) (2011-2016)
    IDRVAN08: Adults sports activities by socioeconomic status and participation (2007-2020)
    IDRVAN09: Childrens sporting activities by age and sex and sports (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2016)
    IDRVAN9A: Childrens sporting activities by age and sex and sports (2007-2020)
    IDRVAN10: Childrens sports activities by age and sex and participation (2007-2020)
    IDRVAN11: Sports active childrens sporting activities by age and sex and frequency (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2016)
    IDRVAN12: Sports active childrens' sports activities by age and sex and time usage (2007-2020)
    IDRVAN13: Childrens sports activities by age and sex and organisation (2007-2020)
    IDRVAN14: Childrens sports activities by age and sex and parental background (2011-2020)
    IDRTIL01: Attendances at sportsevents by sport and attendances to matches (2006/2007-2022/2023)
    Consumption of sports - the Cultural habits survey
    IDRKVU01: Individuals use of sport activities within the past three months by sport activity and age and sex (2018Q4-2023Q4)
    KVUARMO2: Consumption of physical exercise (year) by location, sex and age (2018-2022)
    KVUARMO3: Consumption of sport events (as spectator) (year) by access, sex and age (2018-2022)
    KVUMS02: Consumption of physical exercise (quarter) by location and age and sex (2018Q3-2023Q4)
    KVUMS03: Consumption of sport events (as spectator) by access and age and sex (2018Q3-2023Q4)
    Sports clubs and sporting facilities
    IDRFAC01: Sports facilities by region and facility type (2017-2023)
    IDRFOR01: Sports clubs and members by region, organization and key figures (2014-2023)
    LABY17: Membership of sports clubs (in percentage) by municipality groups (2014-2023)
    MEDLEM1: Sports federations and youth and outdoor activities organizations by organization (DISCONTINUED) (2012-2016)
    Digital behaviour and cultural habits
    Digital behaviour
    BEBRIT02: Latest use of internet - per cent of the population (16-74 years) by type and latest use (2008-2024)
    BEBRIT03: Mobile access to internet (away from home) by type and mobile access - Per cent of those, who have used internet in the past three months (DISCONTINUED) (2008-2010)
    BEBRIT04: Use of internet for communication activities by type and communication activity - Per cent of those, who have used internet in the past three months (DISCONTINUED) (2008-2009)
    BEBRIT07: Purchase via internet - per cent of the population (16-74 years) by type and latest purchase (2008-2024)
    BEBRIT08: E-commerce during the past year by type and product - per cent of those, who have bought something via internet during the past year (2008-2024)
    BEBRIT19: It-security problems within the last year - per cent of internet users (16-74) by type and activity (2019)
    BEBRIT21: Use of internet for private purposes - per cent of the population(16-74 years) by type, equipment and behaviour when replacing (2024)
    BEBRIT22: Considerations when buying IT equipment - percent of the population (16-74 years by type and consideration when buying (2024)
    BEBRIT09: Use of internet for private purposes - per cent of the population(16-74 years) by type and internet activity (2008-2024)
    BEBRIT18: Use of cloud computing - per cent of the population (16-74 years) by type (2014-2020)
    FABRIT01: Access to computer and internet by household type and access (pct. of households) (2008-2024)
    BEBRIT11: E-commerce by type of sellers by type and sellers - per cent of those (16-74 years) who have bought something via internet in the past year (2008-2023)
    BEBRT11X: Access to the Internet in the population by type and access (DISCONTINUED) (2003H01-2003H02)
    BEBRIT12: Arguments for internet shopping by type, cause and impact (DISCONTINUED) (2009)
    BEBRIT13: Do you read the conditions of sale when purchasing over internet? (by type and frequency) (DISCONTINUED) (2009)
    BEBRIT17: Frequency in use of streaming services - per cent of those who answered that they have used the services to stream films/tv or music (16-89 years) by type, purpose and frequency (DISCONTINUED) (2014-2016)
    BEBRIT20: Use of streaming services - per cent of individuals (16-89 years) by type and purpose (2014-2020)
    BEBRIT16: Use of streaming services - per cent of internet users (16-89 years) by type and activity (DISCONTINUED) (2014-2020)
    BEBRIT15: Use of internet via mobile phone (16-74 years) - Per cent of all individuals by type and purpose (DISCONTINUED) (2012-2015)
    BEBRIT14: Per cent of those who have ever used internet by type and rights (DISCONTINUED) (2009)
    FABRIT1: Access to the Internet in the families by type and access (DISCONTINUED) (2001-2007)
    ITF: e-skills by digital skills, type and experience (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2009)
    BEBRIT01: Internet access in the home - devices with access to internet (DISCONTINUED) (2008-2010)
    BEBRIT05: Do internet calls replace other means of communication? by type and other means of communication - Per cent of those, who have used mobil internet (DISCONTINUED) (2008)
    BEBRIT06: Advanced use of mobile phones by type and use purpose - per cent of those, who use a mobile phone (DISCONTINUED) (2008)
    BEBRIT10: Use of internet for obtaining and sharing audiovisual content by type and internet activity - Per cent of those who have used internet in the past three months (DISCONTINUED) (2008)
    BEBRT10X: Access to the Internet in the population by type and access (DISCONTINUED) (2001Q1-2002Q4)
    FABRIT02: Devices with access to internet in the home by household type and access (DISCONTINUED) (2008-2010)
    BEBRIT1: Access to the Internet in the population by type and access (DISCONTINUED) (2001-2007)
    BEBRIT2: Ordering of goods or services over the Internet by the population by type and frequency (DISCONTINUED) (2004-2007)
    FABRIT2: Access to the Internet in the families by type and access (DISCONTINUED) (2001Q1-2002Q4)
    FABRIT3: Access to the Internet in the families by type and access(DISCONTINUED) (2003H01-2003H02)
    DIS111: Communal aerial systems by subscribers (DISCONTINUED) (1998-2016)
    DIS114: Cable TV subscriptions by company and type of connection (DISCONTINUED) (1997-2006)
    DIS115: Cable modem subscribers (downstream capacity) by number and share, company and connection type, and time (DISCONTINUED) (2000H1-2011H1)
    DIS122: Broadband subscriptions by type of broadband (2000H2-2023H2)
    LABY51: Broadband coverage (share of private residence with access to broadband internet by municipality groups and broadband speed (2014-2023)
    DIS123: Broadband subscriptions by company (DISCONTINUED) (2004H1-2013H1)
    DIS124: Market shares of broadband subscriptions by company (DISCONTINUED) (2004H1-2013H1)
    DIS125: xDSL subscriptions by capacity (DISCONTINUED) (2002H2-2006H2)
    DIS126: Market shares for xDSL-subscriptions' downstream capacity by capacity (DISCONTINUED) (2002H2-2006H2)
    DIS127: Active internet subscriptions by company (DISCONTINUED) (2003H1-2007H2)
    DIS128: Market shares of active internet subscriptions by company (DISCONTINUED) (2003H1-2008H2)
    DIS129: Active internet subscriptions by number and share and private and business (2002H2-2023H2)
    DIS131: Households (1000) Reception of TV-channels by amount of tv-channels(DISCONTINUED) (2002U31-48-2016U31-48)
    DIS132: Aerial solutions by type of reception in thousand (DISCONTINUED) (2002U31-48-2014U31-48)
    DIS133: Aerial combinations in by reception(DISCONTINUED) (2002U31-48-2015U32-48)
    DIS134: Internet access in thousands by internet access (DISCONTINUED) (2002U31-48-2013U14-26)
    DIS135: Households that can receive national and international TV channels (penetration) by number and share of all Danish households, channel and time(DISCONTINUED) (1999-2012)
    DIS136: Households that can receive national and international TV channels (penetration) by unit and channel (DISCONTINUED) (2009-2016)
    VIR331: Turnover from internet by type of advertising (1000 DKK) (2000Q1-2022Q4)
    Consumption of games and apps - the Cultural habits survey
    KVUARSP1: Consumption of digital games (year) by access, sex and age (2018-2022)
    KVUARSP2: Consumption of digital games (year) by devices, sex and age (2018-2022)
    KVUSPIL1: Consumption of digital games (quarter) by access and age and sex (2018Q3-2023Q4)
    KVUSPIL2: Consumption of digital games (quarter) by device and age and sex (2018Q3-2023Q4)
    KVUSPIL3: Consumption of money spent on digital games and amount of different titles by consumption and age and sex (2019Q2)
    KVUARMO1: Consumption of work out apps (year) by services, sex and age (2018-2022)
    KVUMS01: Consumption of work out apps (quarter) by services and age and sex (2018Q3-2023Q4)
    KVUARFR2: Consumption of e-learning (year) by activity, sex and age (2018)
    KVUFRI02: Consumption of e-learning (quarter) by activity and age and sex (2018Q3-2020Q1)
    Cultural and recreational activities
    MEDLEM2: Membership for youth and outdoor activities organisations by organisation (2007-2023)
    MEDLEM: Sports federations and youth and outdoor activities organizations by organization (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2011)
    Key figures for the Cultural habits survey
    KV2HOVED: Use of cultural activities by cultural activity, sex and age (2024Q1-2024Q2)
    KV2UDD: Use of cultural activities by cultural activity, sex and highest education completed (2024Q1-2024Q2)
    KV2URB: Use of cultural activities by cultural activity, sex and age, and urbanisation (2024Q1-2024Q2)
    KV2HYP1: Use of media, social media, music, literature, digital games, and exercise by cultural activity, sex, age and frequency (2024Q1-2024Q2)
    KV2HYP2: Use of cultural activities outside the home and library digital services by cultural activity, sex, age and frequency (2024Q1-2024Q2)
    Key figures for the Cultural habits survey 2018-2023
    KVU1201: Adult participation in selected cultural activities (Per cent of the sample) by cultural activities, age and sex and frequency (DISCONTINUED) (2012)
    KVU1202: Adult participation in selected cultural activities (Per cent of the sample) by cultural activities and age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2012)
    KVU1203: Causes of adult rejection of cultural activities by cultural activity, age, sex and cause (DISCONTINUED) (2012)
    KVU1204: Visits to theaters by performance type and frequency (DISCONTINUED) (2012)
    KVU1205: Museum visits by museum type, age, gender and frequency (DISCONTINUED) (2012)
    KVU1206: Persons who goes on visit or having guests on visit (Per cent of all individual) by activity and background (DISCONTINUED) (1964-1998)
    KVU1207: Adults reading habits (newspaper)(Per cent of all individuals) by activity and background (DISCONTINUED) (1964-2012)
    KVU1208: Adults reading habits (books and magasins)(Per cent of all individuals) by activity and background (DISCONTINUED) (1987-2012)
    KVU1209: Adults who plays instrument or sings by activity and background (DISCONTINUED) (1975-2012)
    KVU1210: Adults use of library (Per cent of all individuals) by frequency and background (DISCONTINUED) (1987-2012)
    KVU1211: Adults activities at the library (Per cent of all individuals) by frequency and background (DISCONTINUED) (1987-2012)
    KVU1212: Adults use of tv, radio and music (Per cent of all individuals) by activity and background (DISCONTINUED) (1987-2012)
    KVU1213: Adults visits at cinema, concerts and museums (Per cent of all individuals) by activity and background (DISCONTINUED) (1987-2012)
    KVU1214: Adults sport activities within the past year (Per cent of all individuals) by activity and background (DISCONTINUED) (1975-2012)
    KVU11: Adults reading habits (per cent of the sample) by type of reading, reading frequency and age (DISCONTINUED) (2004)
    KVU14: Adults reading habits (per cent of the sample) by type of reading, reading frequency and type of household (DISCONTINUED) (2004)
    KVU15: Adults reading habits by type of reading, reading frequency and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2004)
    KVU16: Adults use of library (per cent of the sample) by visits library and age (DISCONTINUED) (2004)
    KVU17: Adults use of library by visits library and type of household (DISCONTINUED) (2004)
    KVU18: Adults use of library (per cent of the sample) by visits library and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2004)
    KVU31: Adults participation in outgoing cultural activities (per cent of the sample) by cultural activities and part of the country (DISCONTINUED) (2004)
    KVU32: Adults participation in outgoing cultural activities (per cent of the sample) by cultural activities and urbanity (DISCONTINUED) (2004)
    KVU41: Adults participation in outgoing cultural activities (per cent of the sample) by cultural activities, frequency and physical handicap, that hamper the mobility (DISCONTINUED) (2004)
    KVU51: Adults participation in selected cultural activities (per cent of the sample) by cultural activities and type of household (DISCONTINUED) (2004)
    KVU52: Adults participation in selected cultural activities by cultural activities and sex (percentage of adults) (DISCONTINUED) (2004)
    KVU54: Adults participation in selected cultural activities (per cent of the sample) by cultural activities and education (DISCONTINUED) (2004)
    KVU53: Adults participation in selected cultural activities (per cent of the sample) by cultural activities and age (DISCONTINUED) (2004)
    KVU61: Adults sports and exercise activities (per cent of the sample) by cultural activities and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2004)
    KVU71: Adults time usage on selected cultural activities (per cent of the sample) by cultural activities, time usage and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2004)
    KVU81: Adults sports and exercise habits (per cent of the sample) by cultural activities and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2004)
    KVU82: Adults sports and exercise habits (per cent of the sample) by cultural activities and education (DISCONTINUED) (2004)
    KVUAARKA: Cultural activities (year) within the last three months by cultural activities, sex and age (2018-2022)
    KVUARGEO: Individuals use of cultural activities (year) within the past three months by cultural activities and area (2018-2022)
    KVUARUDD: Individuals use of cultural activities (year) within the past three months by cultural activities and education (DISCONTINUED) (2018-2022)
    KVUH1KA: Consumption of visual arts, sports, literature, games and library within the past three months by activity, age, gender and frequency (2018-2022)
    KVUH1GEO: Consumption of visual arts, sports, literature, games and library within the past three months by cultural activities, area and frequency (2018-2022)
    KVUH1UDD: Consumption of visual arts, sports, literature, games and library (year) within the past three months by cultural activities, education and frequency (2018-2022)
    KVUH2KA: Consumption of music, films, TV shows and news (year) within the past week by activity, age, gender and frequency (2018-2022)
    KVUH2GEO: Consumption of music, films, TV shows and news (year) within the past week by cultural activities, area and frequency (2018-2022)
    KVUH2UDD: Consumption of music, films, TV shows and news (year) within the past week by cultural activities, education and frequency (2018-2022)
    KVUHOVED: Use of cultural activities (quarter) within the past three months by cultural activities and age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2018Q3-2023Q4)
    KVUSNAK: Talks about films, series or books within the past three months by cultural activities, age and sex and frequency (2020Q1)
    KVUMUS6: Visit to museums by age and sex (2021Q4)
    KVUHYP01: Consumption of visual arts, sports, literature, games and library (quarter) within the past three months by activity, age, gender and frequency (DISCONTINUED) (2018Q3-2023Q4)
    KVUSMMEN: Cultural activities with others within the past three months by cultural activities, age and sex and use (2020Q1)
    KVUHYP02: Consumption of music, films, TV shows and news (kvartal) within the past week by activity, age, gender and frequency(DISCONTINUED) (2018Q3-2023Q4)
    KVUARMS3: Visit to museums or exhibitions (year) by purpose, sex and age (DISCONTINUED) (2018)
    KVUARFR3: Consumption of recreation (year) by activity, sex and age (2018-2022)
    KVUARFR4: Voluntary work (year) by area, sex and age (2018-2022)
    LABY18: Voluntary work (per cent of the population) by municipality groups and area (2018-2022)
    KVUFRI03: Consumption of spare time activities (quarter) by activity and age and sex (2018Q3-2023Q4)
    KVUFRI04: Voluntary work (quarter) by area and age and sex (2018Q3-2023Q4)
    Cultural habits of children
    KVUB1201: Childrens participation in selected culture activities by cultural activity, age, sex and frequency (DISCONTINUED) (2012)
    KVUB1202: Childrens participation in selected culture activities by cultural activity, age and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2012)
    KVUB1203: Causes of children rejection of cultural activities by cultural activity, age, sex and cause (DISCONTINUED) (2012)
    KVUB1204: Children who play computer games (Per cent of all individuals) by frequency and background (DISCONTINUED) (1998-2012)
    KVUB1205: Childrens use of tv (Per cent of all individuals) by frequency and background (DISCONTINUED) (1993-2012)
    KVUB1206: Childrens share of music listening (Per cent of all individuals) by frequency and background (DISCONTINUED) (1998-2012)
    KVUB1207: Childrens library visits (Per cent of all individuals) by frequency and background (DISCONTINUED) (1987-2012)
    KVUB1208: Children who reads books (Per cent of all individuals) by frequency and background (DISCONTINUED) (1987-2012)
    KVUB1209: Children who reads newspaper (Per cent of all individuals) by frequency and background (DISCONTINUED) (1987-2012)
    KVUB1210: Childrens use of movies (Per cent of all individuals) by frequency and background (DISCONTINUED) (1993-2012)
    KVUB1211: Children with friends on visit (Per cent of all individuals) by frequency and background (DISCONTINUED) (1987-2004)
    KVUB1212: Children who visit their friends (per cent of all individuals) by frequency and background (DISCONTINUED) (1987-2004)
    KVUB2: Childrens music activities (per cent of the sample) by cultural activities and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2004)
    KVUB3: Childrens participation in outgoing cultural activities (per cent of the sample) by cultural activities and urbanity (DISCONTINUED) (2004)
    KVUB4: Childrens time usage on selected cultural activities (per cent of the sample) by cultural activities, time usage and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2004)
    KVUB5: Childrens participation in selected cultural activities (per cent of the sample) by cultural activities and parents education (DISCONTINUED) (2004)
    KVUB6: Frequency of childrens reading and use of electronic medias (per cent of the sam by cultural activities, frequency and participation of parent (DISCONTINUED) (2004)
    KVUB7: Frequency of childrens reading and use of electronic medias (per cent of the sam by cultural activities, frequency and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2004)
    KVUB8: Frequency of childrens reading and use of electronic medias (per cent of the sam by cultural activities, frequency and age (DISCONTINUED) (2004)
    KVUB1: Childrens sports and exercise activities (per cent of the sample) by cultural activities and age (DISCONTINUED) (2004)
    Education, economy and employment in the cultural field
    Education and employment in the cultural field
    Conditions for artists
    KUNST1: Artist by type of art, sex and age groups (2022)
    KUNST2: Artist by type of art and region of residence (2022)
    KUNST3: Artist by type of art, income base and age groups (2022)
    KUNST4: Artist by type of art, family type, sex and age groups (2022)
    KUNST5: Artist by type of art, level of education, sex and age groups (2022)
    Business structure and labor market
    KUIV1: Cultural Business Demography by cultural domains, activity and unit (2008-2021)
    KUIV2: Cultural Business Demography by area and unit (2008-2021)
    KUERH1: Cultural business structure by cultural domains, activity and unit (2008-2021)
    KUERH2: Cultural business structure by region, activity and unit (2008-2021)
    KUERH3: Cultural workplaces (ultimo November) by cultural domains, activity and size (2008-2021)
    KUARB1: Employees in cultural sector by sex, cultural domains and education (2008-2021)
    KUARB2: Employees in cultural sector by cultural domains, age and ancestry (2008-2021)
    KUARB3: Employees in cultural sector by sex, cultural domains and type of job (2008-2021)
    Graduates from cultural education
    KUBESK1: Unemployment rates for gdaduation from cultural educations by education institution, education, graduation year, sex and type of unemployment (DISCONTINUED) (2010-2019)
    KUBESK11: Unemployment rates for gdaduation from cultural educations by education institution, education, graduation year, sex and type of unemployment (2020-2023)
    KUBESK1X: Unemployment rates by education institution, graduation year and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2010)
    KUBESK22: Activity rates (end November) by education institution, education, sex and graduation year (2019-2022)
    KUBESK2: Activity rates (end November) by education institution, education, sex and graduation year (DISCONTINUED) (2010-2018)
    KUBESK2X: Activity rates by education institution, sex and graduation year (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2010)
    KUBESK3: Employed persons (end November) by education institution, education, sector and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2010-2018)
    KUBESK33: Employed persons (end November) by education institution, education, sector and sex (2019-2022)
    KUBESK3X: Employed persons by education institution, sector and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2010)
    KUBESK4: Average income by education institution, education, graduation year, sex and type of income (DISCONTINUED) (2010-2018)
    KUBESK44: Average income by education institution, education, graduation year, sex and type of income (2019-2022)
    KUBESK4X: Average income by education institution, graduation year, sex and type of income (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2009)
    KUBESK55: Employment (end November) by education institution, education, work place region and sex (2019-2022)
    KUBESK5: Graduated employed (end november) by education institution, work place region and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2010-2018)
    KUBESK5X: Employed by education institution, work place region and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2010)
    Cultural education
    KULTUDD: Students at the Ministry of Culture institutions by status, education institution, education and International and non internationals students (2005-2023)
    KULTUDD1: Students dropped-out within 5 years from the Ministry of Culture institutions by educational institution and start year (2005-2018)
    KULTUDD2: Average study time (months) for completed education at the Ministry of Culture institutions by educational institution (2005-2023)
    Participation at folk high schools
    FOHOJ01: Participation at folk high schools by type of course, sex, age, ancestry, unit and points in time (2016-2023)
    FOHOJ02A: Participation at folk high schools medium and long courses by sex, age, educational attainment in the family, unit and points in time (2016-2023)
    FOHOJ02B: Participation at folk high schools medium and long courses by sex, age, equivalent disposable income, unit and points in time (2016-2023)
    FOHOJ03A: Participation at folk high schools short courses by sex, age, highest education completed, unit and points in time (2016-2023)
    FOHOJ03B: Participation at folk high schools short courses by sex, age, personal income, unit and points in time (2016-2023)
    FOHOJ04: Participation at folk high schools by type of course, residence province, sex, institution, unit and points in time (2016-2023)
    Funding and payments in the cultural field
    Public funding
    BEVIL01: Public funding for cultural purposes by cultural domain, purpose, financing arrangements and financing type (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2019)
    BEVIL01B: Public funding for cultural purposes by cultural domain, purpose, financing arrangements and financing type (2020-2024)
    BEVIL02: Public funding for cultural purposes by cultural domain, financing arrangements and financing type (2007-2024)
    BEVIL03: Public funding for cultural purposes related to children by cultural domain, purpose, financing arrangements and financing type (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2013)
    BEVIL05: Public funding for cultural purposes related to research by cultural domain, purpose, financing arrangements and financing type (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2019)
    BEVIL05B: Public funding for cultural purposes related to research by cultural domain, purpose, financing arrangements and financing type (2020-2024)
    BEVIL04B: Public funding for cultural purposes related to tertiary education by cultural domain, purpose, financing arrangements and financing type (2020-2024)
    BEVIL04: Public funding for cultural purposes related to tertiary education by cultural domain, purpose, financing arrangements and financing type (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2019)
    BEVIL06: Public funding for international cultural purposes by cultural domain, purpose, financing arrangements and financing type (DISCONTINUED) (2007-2013)
    Payments by the Ministry of Culture
    KUBS01: Payments by the Ministry of Culture by cultural domains (2010-2022)
    KUBS02A: Payments by the Ministry of Culture by case region, cultural domain and financing type (DISCONTINUED) (2010-2018)
    KUBS02B: Payments by the Ministry of Culture by region, cultural domains, financing type, state institution and unit (2017-2022)
    KUBS03: Payments by the Ministry of Culture (DKK per capita) by region, cultural domain and financing type (DISCONTINUED) (2010-2018)
    KUBS05: Personal recipients of payments by the Ministry of Culture by region, cultural domains, sex and age groups (2010-2022)
    KUBS06: Payments by the Ministry of Culture to personal recipients by region, cultural domains, sex and age groups (2010-2022)
    LABY40: The Ministry of Culture's average payments to personal recipients by municipality groups and cultural domains (2018-2022)
    KUBS07: Companies receiving payments by the Ministry of Culture by location, cultural domains, type of company and size of company (2010-2022)
    KUBS08: Payments by the Ministry of Culture to companies by location, cultural domains, type of company and size of company (2010-2022)
    BIA01: Personal recipients of library money by region, sex and age (2010-2022)
    BIA02: Payments of library money by region, sex and age (2010-2022)
    Gender equality indicator, funding and payments in the cultural field
    LIGEKI2: Gender equality indicator of payments by the Ministry of Culture to personal recipients by region, cultural domains and age groups (2010-2022)
    LIGEKI1: Gender equality indicator of personal recipients of payments by the Ministry of Culture by region, cultural domains and age groups (2010-2022)
    Payments by the Ministry of Culture for special cultural domains
    KUBS02: Payments by the Ministry of Culture targeted children and young people by case region, cultural domains, special cross-purpose (children and young people) and financing type (DISCONTINUED) (2012-2018)
    KUBS04: Payments by the Ministry of Culture targeted children and young people (DKK per inhabitant up to 18 years) by case region, cultural domains and financing type DISCONTINUED) (2012-2018)
    KUBS04B: Payments by the Ministry of Culture targeted children and young people by region, cultural domains, financing type, state institution and unit (2017-2022)
    KUBS09: Payments by the Ministry of Culture targeted research by region, cultural domain and financing type (DISCONTINUED) (2012-2018)
    KUBS09B: Payments by the Ministry of Culture targeted research by region, cultural domains, financing type, state institution and unit (2017-2022)
    KUBS10: Payments by the Ministry of Culture targeted education by region, cultural domain and financing type (DISCONTINUED) (2012-2018)
    KUBS10B: Payments by the Ministry of Culture targeted education by region, cultural domains, financing type, state institution and unit (2017-2022)
    KUBS11: Payments by the Ministry of Culture targeted international activities by type of country, cultural domains and country (2012-2022)
    Research in the cultural field
    FOUKUL02: Full-time equivalents and personnel for R&D by subject area, full-time equivalents, personnel and sex (2007-2022)
    FOUKUL01: Expenses for R&D in culture by subject area and expenditures (2007-2022)