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StatBank Denmark
Labour and income
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Absence in the private sector by industry (DB07), occupation, sex, size class, indicator of absence and cause of absence (DISCONTINUED)
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industry (DB07)
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TOT Industry, total
B Mining and quarrying
CA Manufacture of food products, beverages and tobacco
CB Textiles and leather products
CC Wood and paper products and printing
CD Oil refinery etc.
CE Manufacture of chemicals
CF Pharmaceuticals
CG Manufacture of plastic, glass and concrete
CH Basic metals and fabricated metal products
CI Manufacture of electronic components
CJ Electrical equipment
CK Manufacture of machinery
CL Transport equipment
CM Manufacture of funiture and other manufacturing
D Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply
E Water supply, sewerage and waste management
F Construction
G Wholesale and retail trade
H Transportation
I Accommodation and food service activities
JA Publishing, television and radio broadcasting
JB Telecommunications
JC IT and information service activities
K Financial and insurance
L Real estate activities
MA Consultancy etc.
MB Scientific research and development
MC Advertising and other business services
N Travel agent, cleaning, and other operationel services
O Public administration, defence and compulsory social security
P Education
QA Human health activities
QB Residential care
R Arts, entertainment and recreation activities
S Other service activities etc.
X Activity not stated
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TOT Total
0 Armed forces occupations
1 Managers
2 Professionals
3 Technicians and associate professionals
4 Clerical support workers
5 Service and sales workers
6 Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7 Craft and related trades workers
8 Plant and machine operators, and assemblers
9 Elementary occupations
9999 Unknown
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size class
indicator of absence
cause of absence
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Full time employed, total
10-50 full time employed
More than 50 full time employed
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Absence rate
Average no. of absence days per full-time employed
Average no. of absence periods per full-year employed
Average no. of calendar days per absence period
Full-time employed
Share of fulltime employed in sector
Full-year employed
Periods of absence (number)
Absence days (in full day equivalents) (number)
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Own sickness
Childrens sickness
Occupational injury
Maternity and adoption leave
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(select max. 10000)
Statistics Denmark