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StatBank Denmark
Social conditions
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Cash benefits by unit and type of benefits (detailed) (DISCONTINUED)
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Affected persons (number)
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Amount (DKK 1,000)
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Social assistance benefits total
Recipients of social assistance not participating in training programmes, total
Social assistance for breadwinners aged 30 years
Social assistance for non-breadwinners aged 30 years
Social assistance for young people under 30 years
Social assistance for persons who are not entitled to claiming social pension
Social assistance for persons who have not received punctual offer of activation
Benefits for unaccompanied refugee children and disabled persons aged 16 years
Recipients of social assistance participating in training programmes, total
Maintenance benefits for persons in ordinary education and company in-service training
Social assistance under pre-rehabilitation
Wage subsidies for persons engaged in job offers according to chapter 12
Social assistance and integration benefits for foreigners and others, total
Social assistance for foreigners subject to the integration program
Integration benefits for foreigners subject to the integration program
Integration benefits, others
Educational allowance, total
Educational allowance during passive periods
Educational allowance during active periods
Special educational allowance, total (- january 2014)
Special educational allowance during passive periods
Special educational allowance when receiving education and company in-service training
Wage subsidies for unemployed persons who have used up their entitlement to claiming unemployment benefits
Cash benefits total (october 2015 -)
Cash benefits for persons who have used up their entitlement to claiming unemployment benefits
Wage subsidies relating to cash benefits for persons who have used up their entitlement to claiming unemployment benefits
Labour market allowance, total (januar 2014 -)
Labour market allowance during passive periods
Labour market allowance during periods of activation
Rehabilitation benefit, total
Rehabilitation benefit
Rehabilitation benefit in connection with company in-service training
Wage subsidies in connection with the rehabilitees¿ appointment subject to wage subsidies
Subsidies for self-employed persons
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(select max. 10000)
Statistics Denmark