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StatBank Denmark
Labour and income
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Earnings by education, sector, salary, salary earners, components and sex
Unit : DKK
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H10 Primary education
H1001 No education
H1010 Primary school through to 6th grade
H1020 Primary school 7th-9th grade
H1030 Primary school 10th grade
H20 Upper secondary education
H2010 Upper secondary education, General (stx, hf, student courses)
H2020 Upper secondary education, General (hhx, htx)
H2030 International upper secondary education
H30 Vocational Education and Training (VET)
H3010 Care, health and education (OSP)
H3015 Office, commercial and business services (KHF)
H3020 Food etc. (FJO)
H3025 Agriculture and nature (FJO)
H3030 Experience and events (FJO)
H3035 Construction (TBT)
H3040 The technology area, power and electronics etc. (TBT)
H3045 The technology area, graphical techniques and media production (TBT)
H3050 The technology area, cycling, automotive and marine mechanics etc. (TBT)
H3055 The technology area, mechanical engineering and production (TBT)
H3060 Technical and industrial education in general (TBT)
H3065 Transport and logistics (TBT)
H3090 Other vocational educations
H35 Qualifying educational programs
H3510 Access courses - higher edu.
H3520 Access Exams - engineering education
H40 Short cycle higher education
H4020 Educational, SCE
H4024 Media and Communication, SCE
H4025 Humanities and theological, SCE
H4030 Arts, SCE
H4038 Social science, Economics-Mercantile, SCE
H4058 Technical educations, SCE
H4075 Food, biotechnology and laboratory technology, SCE
H4080 Agriculture, nature and environment, SCE
H4085 Maritime, SCE
H4089 Health, SCE
H4095 Police, armed forces etc., SCE
H50 Vocational bachelors educations
H5020 Educational, VBE
H5024 Media and Communication, VBE
H5025 Humanities and theological, VBE
H5030 Arts, VBE
H5038 Social science, Economics-Mercantile, VBE
H5039 Social Sciences, VBE
H5058 Technical educations, VBE
H5059 Technical sciences, VBE
H5075 Food, biotechnology and laboratory technology, VBE
H5080 Agriculture, nature and environment, VBE
H5085 Maritime, VBE
H5089 Health, VBE
H5095 Police, armed forces etc., VBE
H5097 Higher education not specified, VBE
H60 Bachelors programs
H6020 Educational, BACH
H6025 Humanities and theological, BACH
H6030 Arts, BACH
H6035 Science, BACH
H6039 Social Sciences, BACH
H6059 Technical sciences, BACH
H6075 Food, biotechnology and laboratory technology, BACH
H6080 Agriculture, nature and environment, BACH
H6090 Health science, BACH
H6097 Higher education not specified, BACH
H70 Masters programs
H7020 Educational, MASTER
H7025 Humanities and theological, MASTER
H7030 Arts, MASTER
H7035 Science, MASTER
H7039 Social Sciences, MASTER
H7059 Technical sciences, MASTER
H7075 Food, biotechnology and laboratory technology, MASTER
H7080 Agriculture, nature and environment, MASTER
H7090 Health science, MASTER
H7095 Police, armed forces etc., MASTER
H7097 Higher education not specified, MASTER
H80 PhD programs
H8020 Educational, PhD
H8025 Humanities and theological PhD
H8030 Arts, PhD
H8035 Science, PhD
H8039 Social Sciences, PhD
H8059 Technical sciences, PhD
H8080 Agriculture, nature and environment, PhD
H8090 Health science, PhD
H8097 Higher education not specified, PhD
H90 Not stated
H9099 Not stated
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All sectors
General government
Government including social security funds
Municipal and regional government total
Regional government
Municipal government
Corporations and organizations
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All forms of pay
Workers paid by the hour
Fixed salary-earners
salary earners
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Employee group total
General managers
Employees (exclusiv young people and trainees)
Employees, non-managerial level
Young people, 13-17 years
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Overtime payment in DKK per hour worked
Sickness with pay, etc. in DKK per hour worked
Nuisance bonus in DKK per hour worked
Fringe benefits in DKK per hour worked
Irregular payments in DKK per hour worked
Pension including ATP in DKK per hour worked
Basic earnings in DKK per hour worked
..Special holiday allowance in DKK per hour worked (only fixed salary-earners)
..Holiday payments in DKK per hour worked
Lower quartile, earnings in DKK per hour worked
Median, earnings in DKK per hour worked
upper quartile, earnings in DKK per hour worked
Nuisance bonus in DKK per standard hour
Fringe benefits in DKK per standard hour
Irregular payment in DKK per standard hour
Pension including ATP in DKK per standard hour
Basic earnings in DKK per standard hour
..Special holiday allowance in DKK per standard hour (only fixed salary- earners)
Lower quartile, standardized earnings
Median, standardized hourly earnings
Upper quartile, standardized hourly earnings
Number of fulltime employees in the earnings statistics
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Men and women, total
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(select max. 10000)
Statistics Denmark