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StatBank Denmark Social conditions
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    STRAF5: Victims of reported criminal offences by type of offence, age and sex
    Unit : Number

    From 2022, an extended method have been used to search for errors in data on victims of homicide. The figures for 2001-2021 have been revised using the same error-finding method.

    The number of victims of homicide 2001-2009 is regarded as underestimated.

    The provisions of the Danish Criminal Code regarding sexual offences went through essential amendments taking effect from 1 July 2013. The amendments resulted in e.g. more categories of sexual offences than previously being placed under the provisions about rape (section 216). See more in the documentation of statistics, in the chapter Comparability.

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    type of offence (204)
    age (14)
    sex (4)
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    11-2-2025 Statistics Denmark ,