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StatBank Denmark
Quantity index and index of unit values for imports, by commodity group (BEC) (DISCONTINUED)
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BEC (Broad Economic Categories)
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TOT Imports, total
01-30 Intermediate goods
01-04 Intermediate goods for agriculture, total
01 Cereals, unmilled or semi-processed
02 Feeding stuff for animals
03 Fertilizers
04 Other
05-10 Intermediate goods for the construction industry, total
05 Timber, worked, coniferous
07 Non-metallic mineral manufactures for construction
08 Iron or steel products for conctruction
09 Miscellaneous finished goods for construction
10 Other
11-30 Intermediate goods for other industries, total
11 Oil seeds, oleaginous fruit (excl. flour and meat)
12 Pulp and waste paper
13 Paper, paperboard and manufactures thereof
14 Textile fibres
15 Textile yarn
16 Textile fabric
17 Chemical elements and compounds
18 Plastic materials and articles thereof
19 Other chemical materials and products
20 Iron and steel
21 Non-ferrous metals
22 Miscellaneous manufactures of metal
23 Other raw materials and semi-manufactures
24 Parts and accessories of non-electrical machinery and mechanical appliances
25 Parts and accessories of electrical machinery etc.
26 Other parts and accessories n.e. s.
27 Parts and accessories of transport equipment
30 Engines for other transport equipment
32-36 Fuels, lubricants and electric current, total
32 Coal, coke and briquettes
33 Petroleum oils, crude
34 Light and medium oils (motor spirit etc.)
35 Gas oils and fuel oils n. e. s.
36 Other fuels and lubricants, electric current
37-42 Machinery and other capital equipment, total
37 Agricultural and dairy machinery
38 Office machines and automatic data processing equipment
39 Construction machinery
41 Other machinery and appliances, non electrical
42 Electrical machinery, apparatus and appliances
43-46 Transport equipment, total
45 Railway vehicles and industrial motor vehicles
46 Passenger motor cars
47-53 Goods for household consumption, total
47 Food, beverages and tobacco
48 Other non-durable consumer goods
49 Clothing
50 Foodwear
51 Other semi-durable consumer goods
52 Pleasure craft, caravans and other non-industrial transport equipment (excl. Passenger mot
53 Other durable consumer good
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Statistics Denmark
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