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All Denmark
Province Byen København
Province Københavns omegn
Province Nordsjælland
Province Bornholm
Province Østsjælland
Province Vest- og Sydsjælland
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Children and young people with preventive measures, total
Preventive measures, total
Person directed preventive measures, total (until 2018)
Children and young people with person directed preventive measures, total (until 2018)
Family directed preventive measures, total (until 2018)
Children and young people with family directed preventive measures, total (until 2018)
Relief stay for the child or young person in own home
Relief stay during residential care
Personal adviser (§52.3.6 until 31/12-2010)
Treatment of the child or young person (§52.3.3)
Permanent contact person for the child or young alone
Trainee stay (§52.3.8)
Coordinator for young people who are sentenced a judicial sanction
Phasing out the existing out-of-home facility
To appoint a welfare officer for the young person, cf. section 52(3)(vi) above (§76.3.2 until 31/12-2010)
Child and juvenile orders (57b)
Permanent contact person for juveniles in aftercare (§76.3.2)
Permanent contact person for juveniles who, just before turning 18 years, and juveniles, who have turned 15 years of age, (cf. the Social Service Act §58) were or are currently placed without consent in out-of-home care until 23 years of age.(§76, 5)
Permanent contact person until 19 years of age. (§76.6.)
Short stay in previous residential institution for juveniles in aftercare (§76.8)
Organization of network consultations due to criminal behavior (§57c)
Other forms of assistance intended for an independent existence for young people (§76.3.4)
Permanent contact person for juveniles above 18 years of age (§76.2)
Consultancy services, including family-oriented interventions(§ 11.3.1)
Network or conversation groups (§ 11.3.2)
Advice on family planning (§ 11.3.3)
Other initiatives that are designed to prevent a child or young person or family difficulties(§ 11.3.4)
Financial support for leisure activities for children and young people who need special support (§ 11.6)
Stay in day care, youth clubs, educational institution, etc. (s.52.3.1)
Expenses connected to consultancy services (s.11.4.1)
Practical educational or other support in the home (§52 stk. 3 nr. 2)
Family therapy or treatment (§52.3.3)
Residential stay for both the child and other family members (§52. 3. 4)
Permanent contact person for the whole family (§52.3.6)
Support person for the custodial parent, separate support plan, and integrated support plan involving both parents, in connection with the out-of-home placement of the child or young person (§54)
Other aid, which aims to provide counseling, treatment and educational support (§52 stk.3. 9)
Financial support under this clause (§52a. 2)
Financial aid to avoiding placement outside the home or to accelerate a return home, etc. (§52a. 3)
Expenses that can contribute to a stable contact between parent and child during the childs placement outside the home (§52a.1.3)
Expenses in connection to methods of contraception (§11.4.2)
Parenting Orders (§ 57a)
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Age, total
0-5 years
6-11 years
12-17 years
18 years and over
Age not stated