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StatBank Denmark Business
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    PRIS10: Price index for Domestic Supply (2005=100) by commodity group and danish/imported (DISCONTINUED)
    Unit : Index

    From the publication of the price index for January 2014 (February 17th 2014), "The Price Index for Domestic supply" (Pris10) will no longer be published. Instead we refer to the more detailed product table (Pris11) or one of the two industry tables; "Industrial Output Price Index" and a new industry table that will be published for the first time with the price index for January 2014. If this raises any questions please contact; Janni Stavad 39173441 or Connie Andersen 39173

     Select   Advanced selection   Information 
    commodity group (12)
    danish/imported (3)
    Drag to resize listbox Drag to resize listbox Drag to resize listbox
    (select max. 10000)
    17-1-2025 Statistics Denmark ,