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StatBank Denmark
Labour and income
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Employed by industry (111-groups), socioeconomic status, age and sex (DISCONTINUED)
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9 gruppering
1 Agriculture, fishing and quarrying
011009 Agriculture
011209 Horticulture, orchards etc.
014000 Agricultural services; landscape gardeners etc.
020000 Forestry
050000 Fishing
110000 Extr. of crude petroleum, natural gas etc.
140009 Extr. of gravel, clay, stone and salt etc.
2 Manufacturing
151000 Production etc. of meat and meat products
155000 Mfr. of dairy products
158120 Bakers shops
158909 Mfr. of other food products
159000 Mfr. of beverages
160000 Manufacture of tobacco products
170000 Mfr. of textiles and textile products
180000 Mfr. of wearing apparel; dressing etc. of fur
190000 Mfr. of leather and leather products
200000 Mfr. of wood and wood products
210000 Mfr. of pulp, paper and paper products
221200 Publishing of newspapers
221309 Publishing activities, excluding newspapers
222009 Printing activities etc.
230000 Mfr. of refined petroleum products etc.
241009 Mfr. of chemical raw meterials
243009 Mfr. of paints and soap, cosmetics etc.
244000 Mfr. of pharmaceuticals etc.
250000 Mfr. of rubber and plastic products
261009 Mfr. of glass and ceramic goods etc.
263009 Mfr. of bricks and cement and concret ind.
270000 Mfr. of basic metals
281009 Mfr. of construct. materials of metal etc.
286009 Mfr. of hand tools, metal packaging etc.
291000 Mfr. of marine engines, compressors etc.
292000 Mfr. of other general purpose machinery
293000 Mfr. of agricultural and forestry machinery
294009 Mfr. of machinery for industries etc.
297000 Mfr. of domestic appliances n.e.c.
300009 Mfr. of computers, electric motors, etc.
320000 Mfr. of radio and communicat. equipm. etc.
330000 Mfr. of medical and optical instrum. etc.
351000 Building and repairing of ships and boats
352009 Mfr. of transport equipment, excl. ships
361000 Mfr. of furniture
365009 Mfr. of toys, gold and silver articles etc.
3 Electricity, gas and water supply
401000 Production and distribution of electricity
402000 Manufacture and distribution of gas
403000 Steam and hot water supply
410000 Collection and distribution of water
4 Construction
452109 General contractors
452510 Bricklaying
453100 Install. of electrical wiring and fittings
453300 Plumbing
454200 Joinery installation
454400 Painting and glazing
454509 Other Construction works
5 Wholesale and retail trade; hotels, restaurants
501009 Sale of motor vehicles, motorcycles etc.
502000 Repair and maintenance of motor vehicles
505000 Service stations
512000 Ws. of agricultural raw material, live animals
513000 Ws. of food,beverages and tobacco
514000 Ws. of textiles, household goods
515300 Ws. of wood and construction materials
515709 Ws. of other raw material and semimanufactures
516000 Ws. of machinery, equipment and supplies
517009 Commission trade and other wholesale trade
521100 Retail sale of food in non-specialized stores
522000 Retail sale of food in specialized stores
522909 Department stores
52300 Re. sale of phar. goods, cosmetic art. etc.
524109 Re. sale of clothing, footwear etc.
524409 Re. sale of furniture, household appliances, etc.
524709 Re. sale in other specialized stores, etc.
527000 Repair of personal and household goods
551009 Hotels etc.
553009 Restaurants etc.
6 Transport, storage and communication
601009 Transport via railways and buses
602209 Taxi operation and coach services
602409 Freight transport by road and via pipelines
610000 Water transport
620000 Air transport
630000 Support. trans. activities; travel agencies
640000 Post and telecommunications
7 Financial intermediation, business activity
651000 Monetary intermediation
652000 Other financial intermediation
660000 Insurance and pension funding
670000 Activities auxiliary to finan. intermediat.
702000 Letting of own property
703009 Real estate agents etc.
710000 Renting of machinery and equipment etc.
720000 Computer and related activities
730000 Research and development
741100 Legal activities
741200 Accounting, book-keeping, auditing etc.
742009 Consulting engineers, architects etc.
744000 Advertising
747000 Industrial cleaning
748009 Other business activities
8 Public and personal services
751100 General (overall) public service activities
751209 Regulation of public service activities excl. for business
752000 Provision of services to the community
801000 Primary education
802000 Secondary education
803000 Higher education
804000 Adult and other education
851100 Hospital activities
851209 Medical, dental, veterinary activities etc.
853109 Social institutions etc. for children
853209 Social institutions etc. for adults
900000 Sewage and refuse disp. and similar act.
910000 Activities of membership organiza. n.e.c.
920000 Recreational, cultural, sporting activities
930009 Service activities n.e.c
9 Activity not stated
980000 Activity not stated
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Selvstændige og medarbejdende ægtefæller
Selvstændige og medarbejdende ægtefæller
Assisting spouses
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Employees - basic level
Other Employees
Employees, not specified
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Under 16 years
16-19 years
20-24 years
25-29 years
30-34 years
35-39 years
40-44 years
45-49 years
50-54 years
55-59 years
60-64 years
65-66 years
67 years and over
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Statistics Denmark