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    Daily updates at 8:00:00
    Local time is: 15:41:17
    Latest releases

    AUA01: Insured persons by region, unemployment insurance fund, age and sex
    AUF01: Unemployed persons (provisional) by region, type of benefits, unemployment insurance fund, age and sex
    AUF02: Unemployed persons by region, type of benefits, unemployment insurance fund, age and sex
    AUP01: Unemployment in per cent of the labour force (provisional) by region, age and sex
    AUP02: Unemployed in per cent of the labour force by region, age and sex
    AUP03: Unemployed insured persons (provisional) by region, age, sex and unemployment insurance fund
    AUS05: Social benefit (not prepared for employment) and hollyday allowance by type of benefits and seasonal adjustment
    AUS07: Unemployed persons (seasonally adjusted) by benefits, sex and age and seasonal adjustment and actual figures
    AUS08: unemployed persons (seasonally adjusted) by region and seasonal adjustment and actual figures
    AUS09: Unemployment indicator by type of benefits and seasonal adjustment and actual figures
    DNINDEX: Compounded Index by item and methodology
    DNPI: Portfolio investment - Danish portfolio investments abroad by data type, item, domestic sector, currency and country
    DNPRND: The banks' and the mortgage-credit institutes' accounts (net position) with the Nationalbank
    DNRENTD: Danmarks Nationalbank's official interest rates and money and capital market interest rates by item, country and methodology (daily observations)
    DNVALD: Daily exchange rates by currency and type
    DNVPDKBR: VP-registered securities by type of security, currency, issuer industry, investor industry, valuation and data type
    DNVPDKF: VP-registered securities by ISIN codes
    DNVPDKR2: Danish mortgage bonds by type of mortgage bond, original maturity, remaining maturity, coupon (nominal interest rate), currency, issuer, investor sector, covered bonds and data type
    DNVPDKS: VP-registered securities by issuer and investors sector (main table)
    DNVPDKU: VP-registered securities - dividends

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